When we come home for summer break, we know what's coming. It's a time of catching up with old friends, spending time with our immediate family and almost always seeing the extended family we don't get to see on any normal occasion. Whether it is a holiday weekend, a wedding in the family or a visit for no particular reason, our extended family knows exactly what to ask in order to make us feel as uncomfortable and defeated as ever.
I think you all know what questions I am referring to. Let's start with grandma's favorite.
1. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?
Even though we see this one coming, there is really no way to prepare for it. When you're not dating someone, you can't help but feel like your answer is a disappointment. When you are in a relationship, the follow-up questions might as well be about your wedding plans. Then there are the times they ask about "that nice guy you've been dating". The moment you realize they are asking about your ex, you immediately begin searching the room for someone to rescue you. And when they're bored with your love life, school and career paths seem to be the go-to small talk. Goodie.
2. How is college?
This vague question only ever leads to vague answers like, "Good," or, "I'm really liking it." Well now what do I say? It's more than difficult to sum up a college experience into a sufficient statement.
3. What is your major?
Not only does this put the undecided majors in a sticky situation, it also puts those who've decided in a position of explaining what the heck they are going to do with that major.
4. What will you do with your degree? This one will definitely leave you with sweaty palms. Sometimes I barely know what I'm doing for lunch that day, so beyond college years is just really far away, okay? Maybe you have an idea of what you want to do, but the pressure to figure it out for yourself is already enough without the added pressure from family members.
5. Are your classes difficult?
Answering honestly can only lead to one thing. They will now want to know how well you're doing.
6. How are your grades?
This horrible, horrible question can make you cringe. Maybe you're doing really well, but that can only lead to everybody and their mothers congratulating you and talking you up. Awkward. And maybe you aren't doing so well in some areas. Do you answer honestly? If you do, there are two possible reactions: "That's okay, I really struggled in college too," or, "Oh, don't worry. I'm sure you will be fine." The first one creates at least a little bit of hope, but the second makes you believe you will absolutely not be fine. Ever.
7. Have you picked a minor? Whether you need a minor or you don't, family members pretty much expect you to be doing something besides just a major. Nothing is ever enough, is it?
8. Are you working? Again, nothing is ever enough. You are pretty much expected to currently have a job or at least have a job lined up.
9. Have you thought about internships? This is another stressful one. Whether you are a freshman or upperclassman, internships require a lot of job searching, networking and boosting your resume. Being asked about it brings up thoughts of all the responsibilities you would have liked to just forgotten about for the weekend.
10. What do you do on the weekends? Well, it's a college town. Let's just say we don't stay in and study or craft all night every night. This question can be difficult to answer, depending on how comfortable you are with the person asking.
11. So how often do you go home? This one could break your poor grandmother's heart. As a college student, finding time to come home does not exactly become first priority. You've gone home as much as you could, but your relatives may never understand why you don't go more often.
No matter the family occasion, these questions are impossible to avoid. But you can always force a smile, fake some confidence and pretend like you've got your life together.