Preparing for college can be a daunting experience. Your freshman year is going to be filled with ups and downs that you can't begin to anticipate. But, preparing for the unknown can be fun too! Here are some Disney quotes to get you through this exciting time!
1. "Adventure is out there!"
College seems like such an exciting place! You'll meet new friends, have movie and game nights (and study of course!). There will be so many events put on by your college, you don't know how you'll have time to do everything! Like Charles from "Up," can remind us, college is full of adventure.
2. "What's this?! What's this?!..."
Shopping for college can be quite overwhelming, especially when you want to look at everything. And with so many things on your shopping list, it can be hard not to get distracted. You'll be questioning everything like Jack from "Nightmare Before Christmas."
3. "I wanna know 'bout these strangers like me."
This iconic song from "Tarzan" can easily remind us of the well anticipated roommate meet. The wait to find out who your roommate is can seem like forever, but once you know, its a relief. Then you can worry about who will live in the rooms around you and if you'll all get along. Hopefully you'll all be friends, and you just can't wait to meet them!
4. "No one saying do this, no one saying be there..."
Oh you just can't wait to be free! Going to college means you're on your own, and as Simba in the "The Lion King" reminds us, no one is constantly telling you what to do or where to be! That means you won't have your parents there to help either, though. You might want to learn as much as you can from them and take their advice now.
5. "Look at this stuff, isn't it neat? Wouldn't you think my collection's complete?"
You'll have pillows and blankets a plenty; you'll have notebooks and text books galore. After you're done wandering the aisles of stores and actually start buying things for school, you'll start to accrue a collection of anything and everything you could possibly need. Ariel, "The Little Mermaid" herself, will begin to envy you in no time.
6. "Let's get down to business..."
Many schools have some sort of assignment(s) for you to do before arriving on campus. With only a few weeks left before move-in day, you better get down to business to complete that work! Take a tip from "Mulan" and get going!
7. "Years of academy training, wasted."
Then comes the sudden realization that high school might not have prepared you for college as much as you expected and the work is actually challenging. You might begin to feel like "Toy Story's" Buzz Lightyear, once getting straight A's aren't as common as before.
8. "I don't want to go to school! Just five more minutes?"
How about five more weeks? Its almost the end of summer and now you wish you didn't have to go to college. You're feeling like Marlin in "Finding Nemo" - if only you could have a few more weeks of care free summer days!
9. "Never say goodbye because goodbye means going away, and going away means forgetting."
You and your friends make a few more plans before you all head off to school, but you're not ready to say goodbye just yet! Take a tip from "Peter Pan," and don't treat it as goodbye. Because even when you do go your seperate ways, you know you'll never forget each other.
10. "I can go the distance, I'll be there someday!"
Finally there's only a few more days until you move in! You're counting down the days like "Hercules," and it might seem like forever, but you'll be there before you know it.
11. "So long, partner."
You'll finally have to say goodbye to your friends and family, but unlike in "Toy Story 3," it probably won't be for very long.