Disney now owns Star Wars, Marvel, and who knows what else. We hear little quips or quotes from Disney everyday in life and sometimes we say them ourselves. It can range from anything funny to something life inspiring. With Disney now making so many new movies, more and more sayings are coming out. Now it is time to mix the old with a little bit of the new.
Here are 11 sayings from Disney or Disney owned movies that will bring a little joy to your life.
1. "Greater good? I am your wife? I'm the greatest good you are ever gonna get!" - The Incredibles
We all know this iconic moment with Frozone and his wife. I still wonder to this day how her evening went. I mean, it was in danger after all.
2. "Ohana means family. Family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten" -Lilo & Stitch
The saddest part of "Lilo and Stitch" is when you find out that their parents are dead. It got depressing near the end, but it redeemed itself. Stitch became part of the family and Lilo made sure that no one forgot that.
3. "Do you trust me?" -Aladdin
Whether it is as Aladdin or Prince Ali, Jasmine will still grab his hand. Only as Prince Ali, they got to go on a magic carpet ride with the famous song "A Whole New World."
4. "Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming" -Finding Nemo
Dory, the ever optimistic fish, is trying to cheer up Mr. Grumpy Gills. This movie had many uplifting moments, and it just hits you right in the feels.
5. "All you need is a little faith, trust, and pixie dust." -Peter Pan
"Peter Pan" was one of my favorite movies growing up. The animated one, the one with Robin Williams, and even the new one with how Peter Pan got started (live action).
6. "Gentlemen! You shall always remember this as the day that you almost caught Captain Jack Sparrow!" -Pirates of the Carribbean
There is a Captain somewhere in there, and don't you forget it. He is probably the worst pirate there is, but he is also brilliant. In some way, he got Will Turner and Elizabeth Swan together.
7. "I was hiding under your porch because I love you" -UP
Who wants an adorable golden retriever hiding under their porch? I know I do. Dug helps Carl and Russ escape their captors while remaining his adorable self. Of course Carl will let him inside the house because who can say no to that face?
8. "What team? WILDCATS!" -High School Musical
This iconic movie can never be forgotten. Someone could whisper "what team?" and someone will shout out
"WILDCATS" from across the room. No one is safe.
9. "Oh yes, the past can hurt. But the way I see it, you can either run from it or learn from it." -The Lion King
Another life lesson from Disney. The truth comes out, and it is up to you to either face it or run. Simba did come back and finally face the past. He took his rightful place as king.
10. "Put that thing back where it came from, or so help me" -Monsters Inc.
I was so happy when "Monsters University" came out. I really wanted to know how Mike and Sully met and how they came to the jobs they have now.
11. "Make a note of this: dishonor on you, dishonor on your cow!" -Mulan
We all know and love Mushu. Look at the little cricket actually making a list of what Mushu is saying. The poor horse in this movie got called many things by that little dragon.