No matter what major you decide to pursue in college, most of the people in that major will tend to fall under certain categories. Being a film/theatre double major myself, I have come across my fair share of the "artsy" major types. I haven't been around enough theatre majors to make a list for those, so here are 11 different types of film majors.
1. Mr. High Quality
He only watches in 1080p, owns everything on Blu Ray, and cringes when anything's 720p.
2. The Feminist
She's one of the only girls in the major, and she makes sure you know that it's really hard for women to get jobs in the film industry.
3. The Artsy Partier
They're a film major because they think they're artsy, but all you ever see them do is party. There's an 80% chance that they'll drop out after freshman year.
4. The Unoriginal
Every time they pitch an idea it's completely unoriginal and ripping off someone else's idea. But they insist that they're original.
5. The Super Talented One
He's one of the few ones that every time they show you their films, you're in awe and automatically think you're shit because they're just that good.
6. The Pothead
They're high for every class, and claim that it "helps them get creative."
7. The Analytic
They over analysis everything, every movie, and is convinced that everything they do has a deeper meaning.
8. The Comedian
They're always making funny videos, even when it's sometimes not funny.
9. The Pretentious One
He only watches indie films and you can bet your butt they're not pirating anything.
10. The Camera Man
He knows everything about cameras, and owns the most expensive cameras known to man.
11. The Surprise
You would never expect amazing work from them, but yet, somehow they pulled it off.
Love them or hate them, you'll have deal with them for the next four years, and then deal with a million more like them once we graduate and work in the field. Best of luck to all of us, even those of us on the list!