11 Different Kinds Of Anime Fans
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11 Different Kinds Of Anime Fans

Which one are you?

11 Different Kinds Of Anime Fans

I love anime, Naruto will forever be my favorite. As a kid, there was something about its maturity in comparison to American cartoons that really drew me in. The storylines seemed so much more significant and the fight scenes were simply badass. There is Anime for everyone, so by extension, there are many different kinds of fans. From the Casual to the hardcore to the insufferable I've taken the kinds of fans I've met in my life and comprised this list of what I think to be the 11 most common.


The run of the mill anime fan will watch whatever interests them and will be enthusiastic about a handful of their favorites. Their taste is pretty common, but will occasionally introduce you to an anime you’ve never seen before. Usually watches subs but knows that good dubs exist, doesn’t mind watching those too.


Goes to Anime Boston dressed as the most popular character of the year’s most popular anime, in 2012 their favorite anime was Sword Art Online. In 2013 it was Attack on Titan. In 2014 it was Tokyo Ghoul. Can only hold a decent conversation about the 3 listed previously. Pretends to like Bleach's Fullbringer Arc because they think they're supposed to.

3. Black Dudes

These anime fans exist on a spectrum but there are two heavily populated sides, on one side, you have the more traditionally masculine, his favorite anime is Dragon Ball Z. He spent the majority of middle and elementary school tracing pictures of Goku and Vegeta and can now draw Goku and Vegeta from muscle memory. Disrespect Yu-Yu-Hakusho or Rurouni Kenshin AND SHIT WILL GO DOWN! On the other hand, you have black men I personally identify a bit more with, their involvement in anime mixed with their more meek appearance, attitude or, behaviors make them seem “weird”. They can destroy you in any Naruto game they pick up and used to live for the Saturday morning anime line up (Yu-Gi-Oh!, Pokémon, Digimon, etc.)

4. The Philosophical ones

They understand the most complex anime. You can’t ever talk to these people about anime because they always confuse you. They understood the ending of Neon Genesis Evangelion without having to watch a YouTube explanation and have a greater appreciation for Fool Cooly than most people. Everyone secretly wants to be like them.

5. The Elitist

These are the people that say mean things to you if your favorite anime is Naruto, they watch certain anime for the sake of being exotic. They think watching unpopular anime gives them some kind of holier than thou taste. Hates dubs they haven’t even watched yet. Talks shit about Naruto fillers but loved the Fullbringer arc.

6. The Veteran

First anime was Knights of the Zodiac. Rewatches Ghost in the Shell or Cowboy Bebop every few months. Plans on dressing their daughter up as Sailor Moon for Halloween even though the kid probably doesn't know what a Sailor Moon is. Is rightfully disgusted that Food Wars has lasted as long as it has.

7. The Stylish

The people who dress outside of what is expected of nerdy folk, their impeccable style leads people to think that they do things that the stereotypical nerds don’t. Turns out these people are just like us, they just dress really nice.

8. The Cosplayers

These are the Heartthrobs of anime fans everywhere. Their love for anime combined with their stellar work ethic leads to the creation of these fantastic costumes that bring our favorite characters to life. Not all heroes wear capes, but they sure as hell wear costumes.

9.The Weeaboo

Their understanding of Japan is based solely on their understanding of anime. Their appropriation of Japanese culture is borderline offensive, they do not use the word Senpai ironically. They would gladly sell their soul to the devil to become Japanese. They wouldn’t hesitate to use chopsticks for their tomato soup. Cringey.

10. The ones that wish life were and anime

Not as obnoxious as weeaboos but to them, anime is very much an escape. Would switch places with even the most tortured anime characters. Favorite anime genre is romance harems.

11. The Gamer

Listens to anime openings all the way through. Plays music/rhythm based anime games. Dance Dance Revolution Vet. Will order a game from Japan and play it in Japanese. Uses the Japanese server for all their mobile games. Worships Steam. PC gamer. Skilled at BlazBlue

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