11 Destinations for College Students | The Odyssey Online
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11 Destinations for College Students

Pubs, castles, beaches, oh my!

11 Destinations for College Students
Lauren McDade

Do you have the travel bug? Students are beginning to dream of warm, sandy beaches for winter break and European country sides for spring break or summer vacation. Here's the problem, we are all on a budget. Graduation is quickly approaching which means in addition to rent, car loans and insurance, food shopping, and other expenses, student loans will now be added into the mix of money-sucking responsibilites. As one last hurrah before we are eternally indebted to our parents or banks, book yourself a getaway! You have worked hard for four (or more years), and it's time for a little fun in the sun!

Here are 11 of my favorite, international destinations!

Bon Voyage!

11. The Caribbean Islands

Whether you can find a deal for Jamaica, Bermuda, the Bahamas, the US. Virgin Islands, or Turks and Caicos you can guarantee to leave any of the islands with a tan (unless you are like me) and plenty of fun memories. The seafood is always delicious and the drinks are endless. The islands are a perfect destination for winter break to escape the harsh, Northeast weather.

10. Morcocco

For number 10, we travel across the pond to the continent of Africa. Morocco is at the northern tip of the continent, and is only a ferry ride away from Spain. I was only in the country for two days, but we were able to make a lot of memories during our short excursion. If you are interested in mosiacs, camels, and learning some Arabic, Morcocco would be a wonderful spring or summer vacation!

9. Mexico

Our neighbor to the south has many wonderful destinations that college students and families enjoy going to: Cancun, Cozumel, Cobo, Rivera Maya, and Tulum. I have been to Cancun and Cozumel, but I have heard that vacationers love the other cities as well. The picture shows our deck view from Dreams Resort in Cancun, and most of the all-inclusives throughout the country will have a similar view. Mexico is a favorite during the winter months because Pennsylvania does not look like that on a February morning.

8. Canada

Our neighbor to the north may become a new home for some Americans depending on who wins the election, but it is already home to many lovely provinces. I have been to Toronto and Niagara Falls, and they were both well worth the visit. There are many activities for visitors around the falls. Toronto is home to the NHL Hall of Fame which is a huge bonus for the hockey lovers of the world. A road-trip to Canada is definitely the way to go if you want to have your car and have time for the drive. Since Canada can be a bit cold, I would recommend going on this trip for a summer excursion, eh.

7. England

(We always see pictures of London, so I decided to include Oxford instead!)
My first visit to the British Isles was in March of 2013. My biggest recommendation would be to go during the warmer months. As beautiful and memorable as the country was, England is extremely cold and damp during the winter and that definitely made things more challenging as a tourist. I strongly recommend visiting the university city of Oxford, Shakespeare's hometown of Stafford-upon-Avon, and of course, London. There are plenty of quaint towns on the outskirts of London that will make you feel as if Harry Potter will fly past you on his broomstick. London is a fun, youthful, and historic city that would be a perfect getaway for a college student. There are pubs on every corner and there is not a language barrier! The country, as a whole, is home to the Beatles, Spice Girls, fish and chips, and my favorite, Julie Andrews. Do you need anymore reasons to visit England?!

6. Germany

"The hills are alive..." Alright so this is not a picture of Austria, but the Alps are impossible to miss when you are driving through southern Germany, Bavaria. This picture was taken after climbing an off trail path, up the Alps. I am not a hiker by any means, but if you are adventurous enough, you will have plenty of opportunities to Climb Ev'ry Mountain. Sorry for all of the "Sound of Music" references, it is hard to not think about the movie while you are surrounded by the Alps. Anyway, the Neuschwanstein Castle is a must see if you are in Bavaria. It is only an hour outside of Munich and the surrounding area is gorgeous. I enjoyed Frankfurt more than Munich; however, both cities should be visited when you are in Germany. Munich is home to the Hofbrauhaus which needs to be on your to-do list while in the city. Frankfurt has a great mix of pre WWII architecture and more modern buildings. Overall, Deutschland is a central hub in Europe that you could visit on your way to surrounding EU nations.

5. Italy

Ciao Bella! Italy has more popular, tourist destinations than any other European country. I unfortunately spent a very short time in Italy and was only able to visit Venice and Verona. Venice was just as I had imagined from the pictures: the streets were lined with shops, canals were criss-crossing all around,and locals were hard to find in the sea of selfie takers and wine drinkers. Venice was picturesque, but I greatly enjoyed my pit-stop in Verona. The home of Romeo and Juliette is very tourist-driven around Juliette's famous balcony, but once you walk a few blocks away, it becomes a quaint, Italian city. I could have spent more time walking around and exploring Verona. Italy would be a perfect spring break trip or long, summer getaway.

4. Spain

Spain was my first European country at the age of fourteen, and I would go back in a heartbeat. From Madrid to the Mediterranean Coast, the country is filled with beautiful towns and breathtaking coastal cities. Costa Del Sol is a fun, Mediterranean town with white-sand beaches and crystal, clear water; whereas, Madrid and Barcelona can easily be made into a two-week trip with the amount to be seen in each city.They are packed with historical landmarks, intriguing night life, and easily accessible transportation which makes it easy to head to your next destination within the country!

3. France

Paris. The Loire Valley. Paris. Rouen. Normandy. Did I mention Paris? France is full of amazing architecture, food, wine, scenery, and landmarks. We all know that a must-see in Paris is the Eiffel Tower. I agree, however this city, and the country, are much more than the tower. I visited France in June of 2011 and March of 2013 and both experiences were one of a kind. The weather in June was much more enjoyable than in March; however, Paris is equally as beautiful in the rain. I recommend venturing outside of the popular, capital city and visiting historic, yet breathtakingly beautiful places like Normandy and Rouen. My next step is to go to the French Rivera another popular summer vacation destination. If you decide to visit this extraordinary country, please visit my number two destination, one of France's neighbors...

2. Switzerland

The Swiss Alps are unlike anything I have ever seen before. There are not enough pictures in the world to describe the beauty of Switzerland. Engelberg, Lucerne, and Mount Pilatus are sights that cannot be missed. The town of Lucerne is straight out of a storybook. The streets are lined with unique stores and homes, while the Alps are seen hovering behind the town. The locals are extremely kind and appreciative of the tourism, at least it seems that way. Venturing across the lake, and up Mt. Pilatus will create the most memorable experiences compared to any of your other travels. Maybe the altitude makes you a little loopy, but the Swiss Alps are unlike anything I have ever seen. If you want to know what Heaven looks like, just visit Switzerland.

Switzerland deserved two pictures, what can I say?

1. Ireland

"When the ocean kisses Ireland and the waves caress its shores, oh the feeling came over me to stay forever more." Descending into Dublin International, and seeing the green outside of the plane's window is such a surreal feeling. Ireland does not look or feel like any other country. While standing on a beach, the Atlantic Ocean can be in front of you, mountains to your left, and cows grazing in an open field to your right. A lot of college students do not have a desire to go to Ireland besides the going on every pub crawl that they can find. Ireland is so much more than a drinking fest. Dublin, Cork, and Galway are fun, artistic cities for students to visit plus there are many great sights around the cities. You cannot live without seeing the Cliffs of Mohr, Ring of Kerry, Aran Islands, or kissing the Blarney Stone. Forget Disney World being the "Happiest Place on Earth", Ireland is everything you could want and more. Castles and cathedrals to tour, pub crawls, and then surfing the next day, Ireland has it all. From Dublin to Galway, every stop inbetween encompasses the beauty of the island. All smiles lead to the Emerald Isle. St. Patrick approves this message.

Grab your passport, pack your bags, and go!

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