I’ve noticed that one thing that sets me apart from most other people is the fact that I’m an identical twin, which means I have a sister who looks like me. As for the scientific formula, it means that we developed from just one zygote that then split and formed two embryos; basically, the egg split into two. For as long as I can remember, the moment I’ve told people I’m a twin they’ve rattled off questions, questions I’ve answered for years. Here are some of the most common ones:
1. You’re a twin? Boy or girl? Are you Identical?
Yes, I am a twin. She’s a girl; I just said my “twin sister.” Yes, we’re identical.
2. Do you look alike?
Yes, we look alike. I just told you we are identical, that means we look alike. Yes, we are the same height, age, same eyes, nose, etc.
3. What’s it like?
What’s what like? Having someone look like me? If that’s the case, then it’s fine. I can frame her for all sorts of things.
But if you mean what is it like to have a twin? Well then, it’s like having a sister the same age as you.
4. Who’s older?
We are literally the same age. We have the same birthday and everything. Do you mean who came out first? Well, then that was me. I came out two minutes earlier.
5. Do you feel each other’s pain?
Only when I hit her or if she hits me. But no, we are 300 miles apart. I can’t feel her pain if she stubs her toe. Can you feel your sibling’s pain?
6. Are you guys close?
Well, sure. I’m close with my other two siblings, too. I just so happen to look a lot like one of my sisters.
7. Can you tell what each other is thinking?
No, but we’ve gotten really good at reading each other’s facial expressions. Like we both roll our eyes when asked a dumb question.
8. Do you guys sound alike?
Some people say we do, but I never hear it. She sounds like herself, and I sound like myself.
9. Do you guys wear the same clothes?
My mom used to dress us in the same clothing when we were younger. She wore pink, and I wore purple. We grew out of that real quick when we got older.
10. Do you guys fight?
Well yeah, I fight with all my siblings, especially over the remote or board games.
11. Did/do you ever switch places?
We use to dress in each other’s clothes (recall she was pink and I was purple), then we would trick our babysitters into believing we were each other. But other than that, no.
I used to think it was normal to have a twin sister but, as you can tell from the common questions asked, it’s not as common as you may think. However, as of 2012, one of 30 babies born will be a twin. I love all my siblings equally; one was just born at the same time I was.