When I was a little girl, I used to think being a farmer's daughter was the coolest thing ever. I loved having all the animals to play with and run around with whenever I wanted to. I loved the random tractor rides in the summer. But most of all, I loved being my daddy's "little helper."
As I got older, though, I began to notice that my view of being a farmer's daughter was not the same as other people's views. Maybe they just haven't met anyone who has grown up on a farm or maybe they watch too much TV. Either way, there are definitely some things that I need to clear the air about...
1. We all don't dress like Daisy Duke...
I can't really speak for those that live in Hazzard County, Georgia, but I don't think I have ever worn high-wasted cut-offs and heels together with a sleeveless flannel... It would be a really cute Halloween costume, but if I wore that in public my family would disown me.
2. I have never collected eggs with my apron...
Yes, I had chickens. No, I never owned and apron or a smock. This is not Little House on the Prairie. If we needed eggs, I took an empty carton out there and searched for them. If you put them in your shirt, they will break...
3. We really aren't dumber than a box of rocks...
It may be hard to believe, but we aren't naive and we do go to school. Anything you see on television about children of farmers having to skip school all the time to finish chores or help with the farm, in general, is pretty much illegal now. Not to say people don't do it still, but times have changed. I got into all the Universities I applied to and gave a speech at my graduation. We are smarter than you think.
4. Yes, we are hot, but no we aren't what Playboy made us out to be...
The huge spread Playboy did on the Farmer's Daughter, although apparently very successful, is also VERY unrealistic. Also disgusting... Come on people... really? No further comments.
5. We aren't all hellions either.
I have done some crazy things that my friends from the city may think that I was crazy for doing, but most of the time I, as well as my friends just stay out of trouble. We aren't sneaking out of our windows at night and dragging trucks through the back roads. In a small town, you will get caught before you even get started.
6. The only time I ever wore a bonnet was when I was a baby.
Once again... this is not The Little House on the Prairie anymore. I don't speak for all areas, but it's just not popular in the Midwest. Sun hats maybe more than bonnets... But if it's that bad we will wear a pony tail with a baseball cap.
7. My daddy is protective over me, but no, he isn't going to threaten to kill you...
I will admit this is my favorite stereotype of all time. I was actually looking forward to watching the boys I brought home react to my daddy cleaning his gun on the front porch (no matter how cliche that seems). Realistically though, if he ever did do that I would be so embarrassed and I would probably never have a date again.
8. We also aren't ALL Tom Boy ALL the time...
I like to get dirty and run around barefoot with the best of them, but I also can't stand to be dirty all the time. Mud is a great thing, but so are mud facial masks! I paint my nails, I wear makeup. Many of us are pageant winners I might add. I'm a girl. Get over it.
9. I loved my animals and I loved 4-H, but not all of us go on to do Ag related things.
Not saying I never thought of it, but I never really had a true passion for all of it. I never took an Ag class in high school and I wasn't in FFA. Maybe I am a disgrace to my family or something, but they seem pretty cool with the medical field route for me.
10. I do wear shoes other than cowgirl boots.
Heels (not with jean shorts!), tennis shoes, flip flops, sandals: you name it, we wear them. Cowgirl boots are definitely up there in comfort but I can't match everything I wear with them, nor do I want to. They are nice to have and I have many, but my closet consists of MANY other types of shoes as well.
11. I can drive a truck, but that doesn't mean it is my vehicle of choice.
Catch me whipping around in my little Ford Focus Hatchback and loving every minute of it. Trucks are amazing, and you will find me stopping to stare at a really nice one every now and then. My short legs can't struggle to get up in a big diesel every day, nor could I afford it. They are handy, just not for my everyday life, though.