College only happens once, so, why not make the best of it? Let's engage ourselves these next four years and make memories that will last a lifetime. For the next four years we are surrounded by new opportunities, so let's take advantage of them. What's on your college bucket list?
1. Travel
You really do only live once, so why not travel when you have minimal responsibilities? College is our last chance to truly have breaks, without having to request time off. So let's live it up, whether it be a weekend getaway or an awesome road trip! Find the friend with the biggest car, load it up with your best friends and favorite snacks and off you go!
2. Start a blog
Everyone's college experience is just a wee bit different, use your experience to share with the world. Maybe someone will learn a lesson or two or maybe they'll take some tips.
3. Study abroad
Why not?
4. Attend sporting events
All home games are free!
5. Pull an all nighter
Academic all nighter's do not count.
6. Eat Ramen
It's a requirement to be considered a college student.
7. Surprise your friends at their campus
You know you miss all your home friends.
8. Spread positivity
Everyone needs a little happiness!