So we all know Valentine's Day is coming up soon and that means you have to buy your significant other a gift or take them out on a date. Well if you are living on a college budget because of sweet ol' Sallie Mae, then I have good news for you. Here are 11 ideas for you to treat your S.O. this Valentines Day.
1. Heart Shaped Pizza Date
First of all, as an Italian, there is no better way of saying "I Love You" than with pizza. Lucky for you, Papa John's is offering a thin crust 'Heart Shaped' pizza until February 15th. The cost is $15 for one heart shaped pizza or $18 for two. C'mon we all know two is better than one.
2. Go on a hike and carve your initials into a tree
Now don't go all crazy and carve both of your initials with a chainsaw. Don't kill the tree, but carve into it enough so you guys can come back to the spot again in the spring for another date.
3. Have a microwavable dinner for two
Sick of having ramen all the time? Then treat yourself to high-end microwavable products. I'm talking about going all out. Go out and get that Easy-Mac, or that Campbell soup, or if you're hungry enough, then go big with a box of Totino's Pizza Rolls.
4. Go see a movie
We all know what movie will ramp up our senses this year. So I'll let you two figure that one out.
5. Go out and get Chipotle
This is not rocket science. Chipotle is life, remember?
6. Give your lover your heart
By heart I mean Chick-fil-a's nugget heart tray that is less than $12 bucks.
7. Bouquet of roses
This should probably a prerequisite to all of the ideas above.
8. This one is self-explanatory
9. Go on a picnic
If there is going to be clear weather where you live, then get out that basket, refer to ideas #1, #5, #6, and then go find some romantic place to eat and talk to each other.
10. Write and mail an actual love letter
When I say love letter, then write a letter that in the olden days people like Gertrude and Melvin would write to each other. Explain why you two are meant for each other and why you appreciate whatever they do to make you head over heels for them. This one is especially ideal for the long distance college relationships.
11. Spend money on gas to go see him/her
Although love letters and food is great and all, but the best gift you could possibly ever give someone is your time. If your S.O. is a state away, then go fill up your tank and go see him/her. I guarantee that they will be more excited to spend actual time with you instead of receiving a materialistic gift.
Well, these are just a few ideas to help you have a more economically friendly Valentine's Day this year. Unless you are married to the love of your life, your gifts should not have you breaking the bank. If your S.O. is unappreciative of the gift you gave them because it lacks their expensive taste, then it may be time for you to treat yourself this Valentine's Day and dump their ungrateful a**. I am sure Cupid will recoup you for your loss.
At the end of the day, whether you are single or dating someone, Valentine's Day is just another capitalistic holiday that should not make go in debt for buying some fancy jewelry because of the status symbol behind it. I hope you have a fantastic, economical Valentine's Day.