Almost everyone is called to lead in some capacity. A father leads their family, parents lead their children, a teacher leads students, a pastor leads the church, everyone leads someone.
In whatever leadership position God puts us in, we need to strive to be as Christ-like as possible because Jesus Christ was the greatest of all leaders known to man. So for those of you that are in leadership positions, here are 11 characteristics of a good, Godly leader.
1. A Godly leader recognizes the value in other people and continually invests in others.
A good leader encourages and supports others.
2. Good character.
There are no perfect people, but for a leader to be considered good, they must have a character that is unquestioned.
3. Not self-promoting.
The fact, that Jesus placed himself under the care of John the Baptist to allow himself to be baptized also showed that Jesus was going to teach his followers submission does not mean weakness.
4. Obedient to the Holy Spirit.
Jesus was tested in every temptation known to man, but He was obedient to the Holy Spirit. He pursued God's will.
5. A Godly leader uses their influence for the good of others.
Good leaders are as interested in making a positive difference in people’s lives.
6. Has laser focus on the vision.
Regardless of the persecutions or distractions, Jesus kept on the mission God had called Him to complete. In the same way, you need to focus on the vision of whatever you're leading in. Pursue God and His will and walk with Him as you lead.
7. Serves others expecting nothing in return.
A good leader has a servant's heart. They truly love and value others and want the best for them.
8. Is accountable towards others.
James 2 says to not be partial towards others. Good leaders do not isolate themselves from others and are approachable.
9. They surround themselves with God's Word.
They are so strongly plugged into God's Word that they know how to treat others because they know how God loves them.
10. They lead others to discover their purpose and identity in Him.
By sharing their own testimony and leading as an example, good leaders are able to be real with others and to help lead them in their walk with the Lord.
11. They impact the atmosphere.
You ever just look at someone and then think, "There is just something about them that makes them stand out." Godly leaders have that. You want to know what that trait is?
It's the Holy Spirit within them.
These are just a few characteristics of a Godly leader, but it is important for us to remember the effect we have on others. How we interact with them, how we treat them, how we talk to them or about them, it all matters.
If you have trouble with finding your leadership role or skills, ask God to help you with it! Because God will give you the desires of your heart.
So love others, be impactful, and lead.