11 #BlackLivesMatter Posts That Should Propel You Into Action | The Odyssey Online
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11 #BlackLivesMatter Posts That Should Propel You Into Action

We have to come together.

11 #BlackLivesMatter Posts That Should Propel You Into Action

This weekend has been especially painful for all of us. Alton Sterling and Philando Castile have been added to the unnecessarily long list of African Americans that have been unjustly killed by police this year. As #BlackLivesMatter is a trending topic on social media, people from all over the world are sharing their perspectives in all creative ways possible. In our anger and a search for a solution to police brutality, we know that violence is not the answer, but violence and systematics racism is what’s being perpetuated here and we have to make it stop. We need to come together, organize and create a solution. So here are 11 #BlackLivesMatter posts that will propel you into action.


Beyonce, to my knowledge, was one of the first celebrities to speak out after Philando Castile and Alton Sterling were senselessly killed. The post below shows Beyonce's sympathy for the families and lets us how we can spring into action: by contacting our local legislators. My favorite line: "fear is not an excuse. Hate will not win.”

2. JESSE KEANU @IGActivist

This post from two officers in a Texas police department has gone viral. However, it’s Jesse’s caption that really gets me. He explains how good cops should call out the bad cops for their unethical and unjust behavior. “Let [bad cops] fend for themselves instead of giving them a system that’s designed to protect them”. Couldn’t have said it better, Jesse!


This tweet from @ImNoRoleModel compares the black experience with the cops to women “dressing appropriately to avoid rape”. He is making a statement that women can be attacked by a praying rapist regardless of what they are wearing. In the same way black folks can be attacked by cops whether they they follow orders or not.


This video by Peace House is a visual representation of the debate #Alllivesmatter vs. #BlacklivesMatter. The video illustrates where the black man is the only person who did not receive food from the waiter. The black man says, “Where is my plate? My plate matters!”. His nonblack counterparts remind him that their plates matter, too. What’s the difference? At the end of the day, his counterparts have food and he doesn’t. #TheyWentThere.


Nakia Jones is a black female police officer who is outraged by cops who operate in fear rather than service and protection. My favorite line: “If you are afraid of people who don’t look like you, you have no business in that uniform. Take it off."


This post shares a gift for Philando that was made for him after a child from the school he worked at learned of his death. My favorite part is at the end, where it says “I wish you were alive. You have rainbows in your heart.”


Lily clarifies to followers that the Black Lives Matter movement exists because blacks face discrimination by the police far too often. My favorite part is at the end of the post: “this is a time to mourn and takes steps to make sure all of these lives see the justice they deserve.”


A comical take of what’s been going on in social media. “All Lives Matter,” restrictions reply. The posts speaks to the hypocrisy of those who say #AllLivesMatter, yet still refuse to support Black Lives Matter. Any of my fellow couponers out there can understand the frustrations of restrictions that don’t make sense.


Imani Hakim calls out anyone who can’t seem to stomach when any minority group: women, blacks, or gays for example, speak up to the injustices that they face. I love how she directs the post to those who are trying to “slide into her mentions” with the hashtag #AllLivesMatter. Very clever, and very well said.


Mark Zuckerberg addressed the death of Philando Castile. He notes Diamond’s bravery for using Facebook live to document her boyfriend’s injustice. He also notes that he is grateful for Facebook’s role in “coming together to build a more open and connected world.” And how the video reminds us of “how far we still have to go.”


Veronica says, if you believe #BlackLivesMatter, don’t start picking and choosing which black lives actually matter. She pleads: Don’t forget about the the LGBT community, those who are incarcerated, and those who are homeless. Of all the posts I’ve been following, I haven’t seen many from this angle. I had to give her a shout for reminding us that within black lives matter, there is some marginalization as far as who matters and who doesn’t.

Black Lives Matter was created because there is an urgent need for justice is this nation. Let’s band together and take action before anymore innocent black lives are taken. If these posts don’t inspire you, what will?

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