1. "It is Christmas in the heart that puts magic in the air" -Unknown
If we feel the joy within our hearts, we can spread the magic of the holiday.
2. "Christmas is not about opening presents, but about spending my time with you" -Unknown
Yes, we all love opening gifts, but what really matters is spending time with the ones we love the most on such a magical day.
3. "Maybe Christmas doesn't come from a store, maybe Christmas perhaps, means a little bit more" -Dr. Suess
From our favorite Christmas movie, The Grinch, teaches us that Christmas is not about the gifts or decorations, but the true meaning behind the holiday.
4. "Remember the reason for the season" -Unknown
During this time, we all get wrapped up in the shopping, cooking, etc. but we must never forget the reasoning behind why we celebrate this day.
5. "Keep your Christmas heart open all year-round" -Jessica Biel
Maybe if people remained as happy this time of year, all year round, our atmosphere would be quite different.
6. "Christmas is the keeping place for memories of our innocence" -Unknown
When we look back on Christmas memories, we think of times as a child opening our presents and the looks on our faces. These were times before we had to grow up, before we lost our sense of innocence.
7. "Christmas is joy, an inner joy of light and peace" -Pope Francis
Christmas brings us all love and joy
8. "I will honor Christmas in my heart try to keep it there all year" -Charles Dickens
Is there really an explanation needed for this one?
9. "It's not what is under the tree that matters, it is who is around it" -Charlie Brown
The gifts aren't what make the holidays so special, it is the people we spend the holidays with.
10. "Always believe" -Unknown
No matter what it is, never stop believing
11. "Christmas isn't a season, it is a feeling" -Edna Ferber
We feel the holiday spirit within our hearts