11 Ben Rector Lyrics That Teach Us Something About Life | The Odyssey Online
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11 Ben Rector Lyrics That Teach Us Something About Life

By a true lover of life.

11 Ben Rector Lyrics That Teach Us Something About Life

Ben Rector; a coffee loving musician from Tennessee who enjoys every waking moment of life. With six studio-recorded albums at the age of 29, it’s clear to see how passionate Ben is about consistently creating music. He is one of the purest, most genuine musicians around today and his fans have grown to appreciate his music to such an extent due to the message he puts behind every song. If you need a pick-me-up or advice on a problem, Ben’s music almost always has a solution. Here are 11 Ben Rector lyrics that teach us something about life.

1. “Cause life is not the mountain tops, it’s the walking in between.” – “I Like You”

Life isn’t about the end result of accomplishing all of our goals and dreams – it’s about all of the little things that we do along the way; it’s about each and every piece that we need to put together in order to see and complete the whole puzzle.

2. “How did we end up like this? Living lives that we don’t care about? Too bust fixing things on computer screens, while the grass grows green.” – “Beautiful”

Our modern day society is so caught up in the latest technologies and inventions that we’re missing out on all that life has to offer. There’s so much more to life than cellphones and computers, and it isn’t until we recognize this that we will truly begin to live our lives.

3. “I swear I’m fine, that I’m alright, when I’m barley breathing.” – “When I’m With You”

We all have our moments when we may make it seem like we’re alright on the outside, but we’re actually suffering on the inside – and that’s OK. The most important thing to remember is that we recognize that bad times in our lives don’t make our lives bad, they just add an extra bump or two that we must get over along the way.

4. "Makin’ money, it isn’t easy and it sure won’t make you happy, so I think it’s funny we’re so concerned with making money.” – “Making Money”

Making money comes easier to some more than others. Some people make a lot and some people make a little. However, this idea that money is what determines our happiness is false, almost to the point that it’s comical to think about. Money cannot buy happiness and the more people focus on striving for richness to attain happiness, the sadder they will be.

5. “Sometimes we can get lost living in the here and now, sometimes it takes the sky to see what’s on the ground.” – “30,000 Feet”

Understanding life can be a difficult task to do. Sometimes it takes a moment of reflection or a moment of clarity to accept the way things are. When we don’t have all the answers, looking at the bigger picture will guide you to find them.

6. “No cares and I’m doing fine, thank God for the summertime.” – “Thank God For The Summertime”

There’s no season better than Summer. Our worries and stresses are a bit smaller than normal in the summertime; there’s something about warm days and warmer nights that makes our hearts extra happy.

7. “I feel just like a sailboat, don’t know where I’m headed, but you can’t make the wind blow from a sailboat.” – “Sailboat”

Some things in this life are out of our control. Sometimes bad things happen and things cannot be explained because not everything makes sense, but we must accept that there is an extent to which we can control our lives. We must let things be as they are and hope that one day those uncontrollable things bring us to positive endpoints.

8. “Let the good times roll, leave yesterday behind and let the good times roll tonight.” – “Let The Good Times Roll”

Stop worrying about the past and focus on the present. Moping around about what happened yesterday will prevent you from making the most out of today, so make the most out of what you have.

9. “We just want love, nothing above it, it’s what we need, it’s what we seek.” – “Wanna Be Loved”

Love is the highest power of all things. Whether that means loving our family and friends, loving something we are passionate about, or simply loving life, love is the highest of highs. We seek love all through our lives and we need love to live a meaningful life.

10. “When you love someone, they’re gonna hurt you. When you love someone, they’re gonna burn you, but don’t let that burn you down.” – “Wildfire”

It’s true that at times our love ones will hurt us and bring us down. Despite this, we can’t let that effect us to the point where we give up and let our sadness overcome ourselves. We must fight for the ones we love even when we might not want to.

11. “We’re better off the sooner that we find that life is mostly what we choose to see, cause whether or not I’ve got what I want, life keeps moving on in front of me.” – “Life Keeps Moving On”

Whether we like it or not, life doesn’t stop for anybody. With life being inventible, we might as well enjoy the things that we see and do with our lives, because ultimately the only people it’s up to are ourselves.

Thank you, Ben.

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