11 Beach Bag Essentials | The Odyssey Online
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11 Beach Bag Essentials

The Items you must have in your Beach Bag.

11 Beach Bag Essentials

Summer has officially started and cars are beginning to line up at all the local beaches. Everyone is flocking to the beaches to soak in all that the summer weather has to offer. Whether you are a self proclaimed "beach bum" or new to the whole idea of going to the beach these are the things that you must have in your beach bag:

1. Beach Towel

This is obvious. Whether for the purpose of drying off after a dip in the ocean or to lay out on, the towel is must.

2. Sunglasses

There is nothing worse than being blinded by the sun and constantly having to squint, so a trendy pair of sunglasses are necessary and fashionable.

3. Sunscreen

Whether you look like a bronze goddess or a lobster after a day at the beach, sunscreen is a must have to avoid painful burns and peels.

4. ChapStick

While you might think you are covered with sunscreen, ChapStick Sun Defense is huge for protecting against sunburnt lips and sun blisters.

5. Water Bottle

A water bottle that will keep your water cool all day long is a must have in order to stay hydrated in the hot sun!

6. Baseball Hat

Sometimes your face has gotten enough sun for the day so a baseball hat is great to further protect your face from the sun.

7. Beach Cover-up

A cute beach cover-up is great to throw on when leaving the beach especially if you have to go somewhere after!

8. Flipflops

A comfortable and simple pair of flipflops are great to leave the beach in.

9. Book

A beach day is the perfect opportunity to read a great book!

10. Speaker

There's nothing better than listening to some of your favorite songs on the beach!

11. Hairbrush

Most people don't think to bring one, but a hairbrush is great to bring so you are able to brush out your wet or wind blow hair.

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