Let's face it, we've all been in one of these situations at some time or another. Some people maybe have been in all of them. But who better to explain awkward situations than the orange candidate himself, Mr. Donald Trump.
1. Making food at midnight and dropping everything on the floor waking everybody in the house up.
2. Sitting down to take care of business and realizing there's no toilet paper left.
3. Being at a friend's house while they're getting yelled at.
4. Sitting next to the kid in class that you matched with on Tinder
5. Walking in on your roommate.
6. When someone you crop dust says, "Man, it stinks in here."
7. When somebody says "I don't watch Spongebob, I grew out of that show a while ago."
8. Sneezing and having snots fly out in public.
9. Getting a text from a number you don't have.
10. Being stuck in an elevator with your ex.
11. When an oompa loompa runs for president.

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