If you are a 90's baby, like myself, you tend to get a littlenostalgica lot of the time. Well, here are some snack foods that we can all agree need to make a big comeback. While, a lot of them you can still find now in a local grocery store, they just don't seem to have quite the same effect on kids now-a-days than they did on us.
1. DunkAroos
In my opinion, this delicious snack was the very best of my childhood. Although, the "cookie to cream" ratio was a bit lacking in my opinion, which led me to always having a few extra cookies left over due to lack of self-control when dipping these yummy cookies.. But who's complaining? Anyway, if you are interested you can find a recipe on how to make your own homemade DunkAroos on Pinterest!
2. The Wonder Ball
Dun Dun Dun! Mysterious... This was a fun one! A hollow chocolate ball with candy inside? It's like an edible pinata. The best thing was that they had different "themes", if you will, like "Spongebob," "Pokemon," or "Winnie the Pooh."
3. Fruit Stripe Gum (AKA: Zebra Stripe)
This always amazed me as a kid. The gum was actually striped like a crazy colorful zebra and had a sweet and great taste. The taste didn't last long for each piece but it sure was addicting.
4. Lunchables
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Lunchables are still easy to find, even your local 7/11 probably has them, but the OG Lunchables were different. They just were, OKAY!?
5. Cosmic Brownies
Sure, these are still in any supermarket too. But nothing beats the feeling when you were a kid of opening your lunch box and finding one of these babies in there.. Or even better, a Lunchable AND a cosmic brownie, that says "Heaven" for my childhood-self.
6. Push-Up Pops
This was like the iconic dessert of my childhood, it tasted good and it was fun to eat? What is better than that?7. Fun Dip
Kids these days just don't appreciate the value of a good candy. Fun Dip was so popular when I was a kid, kids everywhere thought it was the greatest thing. Now most kids that I speak to have no idea what I'm talking about.8. Gushers
Gushers were like the snack that we all had in our lunchboxes as a kid every day, but never got tired of. My only wish is that more came in a pack.
9. Hubba Bubba Bubble Tape
10. Trix Yogurt
This wasn't the craziest of childhood snacks, but the fact that my yogurt sort of had a tye-dye thing going on made it taste a whole lot better.
11. Fruit Roll Ups - Tongue Tattoos
This was like magic to me as a kid. You simply hold the fruit rollup on your tongue and POOF! You have a tattoo and a yummy snack. Like really, you can;t say that this wasn't cool.Overall, although we have some great snacks now in this day and age, I think we can all agree that nothing will ever compare to the amazing and unique snacks of our childhood.