No matter your status of high schooler or collegiate, we are all students. Being a student means going to class. Whether you sit in a lecture hall of 300 students or a classroom of 25 students, someone is going to be annoying. Here is a list of the 11 most annoying things people do in class:
1. The antsy pants who finds it necessary to jiggle their leg
2. The person who just can’t seem to manage chewing with their mouth close
For Pete’s sake, chew with your mouth closed! I, nor anyone else, wants to hear the saliva slosh around in your mouth. I’m putting down $20 that if the professor were to quit talking, he could hear you all the way at the front of the lecture hall. Do you know how far that is?
3. The heavy breathers of the world
4. The continuous, non-stop year-round sniffles
I get it, it’s cold out or there are seasonal allergies and your nose runs. But do yourself a favor and blow your nose. Your shirt sleeve will thank me later when it’s not covered in snot. Also, take care of your boogers now so you don’t have any awkward situations in the future like with a cute boy or something.
5. The constant clicking of a pen
6. The one person who has to climb over everyone to get a seat in the middle of the row
There is always that one person that shows up late who has a friend group that got seats in the center of the row. So, you pick up your backpack and stand up or adjust appropriately just so that one person can get through. But to make matters worse, they need leave class three or four times and every time they choose to exit on your end.
7. The not-so-quiet side conversations
Telling your bestie about your rad weekend or the test you just failed is of utmost importance. But let me fill you in on a little secret, you aren’t actually being that quiet and your laugh is really obnoxious. The people sitting in front, next to, and behind you would really appreciate it if you could just not talk and save the conversation for later because no one else really cares.
8. The one person who always has to have some sort of interaction with the professor
9. The keyboard typing competition
10. The “I’m already on the second page of the test so suck it” student
Have you ever sat in a lecture hall or classroom that’s dead silent when suddenly there is a solid five seconds of obnoxious page flipping. That kid just wanted to let you know that he’s better than the rest of you.