We are strong, we know what we want, and we'll do what it takes to get what's ours, even if others don't believe it. From First Lady Michelle Obama to Blair Waldorf, we come in all shapes and sizes. We exist in both the real and fictional worlds. We love to tell everyone about our successes - after all, that's what we strive for. And our struggles? Yes, even women like us have to overcome a struggle or ten before reaching our goals! If you're an ambitious woman then you'll definitely understand:
1. Your loved ones expect you to take on everything
Something as simple as an outing to the mall becomes your responsibility when you're an ambitious woman. Maybe it's because they know you secretly love making sure everything goes as planned or maybe it's because if you don't do it, it will never happen. Either way, if something has to be planned, you're the one doing it.
2. When you do take on the task, it's expected to be nothing short of spectacular.
There's no such thing as an "intimate gathering" when you're in charge. Not only is the whole nine yards expected of you, but you live by the philosophy "Go big or go home."
3. If someone else decides to take on your role, you're in a constant state of "who let this happen and why was I not called to save the day?"
"How did this event even happen without me being in charge?" You think as you mingle. Slowly you watch the food start to dwindle as more and more guests show up and the decorations don't even match the theme. Did anyone even think that maybe more than two rolls of toilet paper would be necessary for a party with over 100 guests? You find it much more stressful to attend other people's events than your own.
4. You expect everyone else to be as ambitious as you.
When you're in a group project for class, everyone seems to want to do the bare minimum, and you can't understand why. You take charge of the project and make sure everyone knows you're running the show. They can be left behind in your dust or join you in the lime light (just so long as they don't try to outshine you.)
5. Every one of your projects are given a name that's some variation of "Mission Impossible."
Here's that "go big or go home" attitude coming into play again. You're always planning some new hare-brained, outlandish project. Every day is another chance to brainstorm a better idea than yesterday's.
6. There will always be people who doubt you.
People who aren't inspired by you - they fear you. They're intimidated by your dominating personality and more often than not, it comes out in the form of criticism.
7. Sometimes you doubt yourself.
You start to get cold feet when you realize that this is, indeed, another one of your harebrained plans. Even though you've pulled off everything you've ever planned, self doubt seems to be inevitable.
8. When you finally pull it off, it feels so good.
The satisfaction you get when everything goes off without a hitch is not comparable to any feeling known to woman. Is it time to start the next project yet?
9. Boys find you intimidating...
You know better than anyone that when you walk into a room, all eyes are on you. Some are filled with envy, others admiration. Either way, without a doubt, members of the male species will be intimidated.
10. ...but that makes it easier to find the men.
Why would you want to waste your time with boys anyway? Only a man can handle all you have to offer!
11. You have to explain to everyone that you wouldn't want to live any other way.
Sure, you stress about the minor details in life and of course you set goals taller than you are, but why would you ever want to change? This is all you've ever known and to the people who don't understand... well you don't have time to explain, you're already planning the next big thing.