Alpacas. The world's most glorious animals. It is something about the crooked teeth, the massive underbite, and the voluptuous coat that makes them so stinking photogenic. Because alpacas are such wonderful animals, there is no question that they are the exact same as college students.
1. There's always that first day back at classes that you realize that you're not ready for another three months of stress.
2. You do reach a point where you can only afford a single carrot.
3. There's that time that you walk in late to class and everyone turns and stares at you.
4. Rarely, you have those days where you look fly af and need to flaunt it.
5. And then there's those days when you've eaten too much but still want to look like you have your life together.
6. And then there's those days when you just don't want to try.
7. You always reach that point in the semester where you swallow your pride, turn up the charm, and start begging classmates for help.
8. The copious amounts of sleep deprivation always manages to catch up with you.
9. As a result, maintaining attentiveness in class becomes a major struggle.
10. When your roommate says that she wants to "hang out with other people"
11. And finally, winter does come eventually.
This is more of a general point, not just having to do with college students, but I really just wanted an excuse to use this picture.