Being 5’ ¾” since elementary school, I have had a lot of time to consider the benefits to being this size. Don’t get me wrong, every size and shape is beautiful, just how God made them; however, I have come up with a list of 11 advantages to being short just for kicks.
1. You can sit in any car and never have to worry about not having enough leg room.
2. Dresses or shorts that are way too short on the average Joe ( or should I say Josie! ) are just right for you.

3. People automatically think you’re cute and have a tendency to look out for you.

4. Most guys are taller than me, eliminating any worry about whether or not I can wear heels without towering over the guy.
5. Short people have been found to have longer life spans than taller people. Don't believe me?? Look it up!!

6. Heat rises….so it’s cooler down on our level! Ha.
7. You can sneak through a crowd unnoticed.

8. Most hiding places that would be too small for other people are perfect for you!
9. It’s socially acceptable for you to climb up the shelves at the store if you can’t reach.

10. When people ask you how tall you are, you get to shock them with the news that you haven’t grown since elementary school.

11. And most importantly…….LESS SURFACE AREA TO SHAVE. HOLLA!!!!

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