As the holidays are approaching that means we're closing in on the questions that we always get asked. Whether it's your aunt, grandparents or cousins, they're probably asking because they're genuinely interested in what's going on in your life and because they're nosey-just like everyone else.
1. "So, Where's your boyfriend/girlfriend?"
Year after year this becomes one of the most dreadful questions. Also, and for the millionth time, I don't know where they are because I don't have one.
2. "What do you want to do with your life?"
I'm finally to the point where I personally have something picked for myself that I would see myself doing so this question is a little easier. However, all those years before I had no idea what I wanted to be and being asked at Thanksgiving then a month later in December.
3. "How are your grades doing?"
Hopefully, you get this question before your parents get asked. The topic of grades isn't that important, I'm not failing out of college and I forgot you were paying for it. No one needs to know except for me, myself, and I (and my parents).
4. "How much partying do you do?"
After they give you a: *wink, wink, nudge, nudge*. As much as I want to boo. Next question.
5. "How's the food on campus?"
Fine, just fine. It's the only thing I have to choose from but I'm surviving. *as your patiently waiting to be first in line for Thanksgiving dinner*
6. "What do you want for Christmas?"
Giftcards for pretty much any food place.
As much as we mentally want to prepare ourselves for the list of questions our family shows up with we can never be fully prepared.