It's mid-February and if you live in Virginia you know that we haven't gotten any of the snow days we've been anticipating since January. If you're like me and the lack of magical white stuff has got you feeling down then it's time to turn to the Snow Gods for help. Follow these 10 tricks to appease the Snow Gods and get us a decent snow storm.
1. Sleep with your pajamas inside out.
Hey, it worked when we were kids so it should work now!
2. Flush ice cubes down the toilet.
It sounds weird, but it works every time.
3. Brush your teeth with your non-dominant hand.
Don't ask me why; just do it!
4. Sleep with a silver spoon under your pillow.
Maybe it makes the Snow Gods think of ice cream and ice cream reminds them to make it snow?
5. Shake a snow globe every time you walk passed one.
Don't go to any souvenir shops or you'll be one busy bee.
6. Pretend you don't want it to snow.
Reverse psychology.
7. Sleep with toothpaste in your nose.
The Gods want what the Gods want.
8. Put a paper snowflake in your window.
Because then maybe the real snow will think it's a friend and come to hang out.
9. Run around the house five times.
It's good cardio if nothing else.
10. Stop global warming.
Keep the government in check. Call your local representatives and make sure that they're voting in a way that will preserve the environment.
Looking back at most of these, it could very well be that our parents just enjoyed yanking our chains when we were little. All the same, I've been dreaming of waking up to a ground covered in a fluffy blanket of snow and an e-mail letting me know that my classes have cancelled so perhaps if we all work together, we'll be able to convince the Snow Gods to grant our wish.
Good luck!