Congratulations!!! You finished your finals! The countless hours of studying flashcards, praying for a Quizlet, and crying from stress have paid off. Now it is time to kick back and relax for the best time of the year... SPRING BREAK! Here are some helpful and de-stressing ways you can brush off the stress built up from winter quarter!
Reward yourself
I cannot stress this enough, you deserve to have a little treat, and don't let anyone else convince you otherwise. This could be candy, the cute new shirt from Target, cosmetics, or all of the above. You worked so hard for an entire quarter, through tears, sleepless nights, awkward group presentations, and you totally deserve those new shoes.
Throw away all the toxic materials
Those five binders, flashcards, maybe even books, toss them. They will do nothing but sit on the shelf of your closet, taking up space with their bad vibes, and if you toss them out then they can't hurt you anymore.
This would also be a good time to give this advice: if you made any toxic friendships... this is a good time to also toss those.
Get your life back in order
The best things about finishing up finals is the opportunity to finally go back to "normal" and bring your space back to its former glory. Do those four loads of laundry, clean all of your RedBull Spritzers cups off of the counter, do those pesky dishes, and reclaim your room. It may not be fun, but it needs to be done. You will feel so much better (when you're forced to come back for spring quarter) if you get to come home to a clean room that is all in order.
Watch some TV
During the quarter you probably missed a few episodes of your shows, sit down, relax, and do your thing. Hours? Days? that's up to you, but you should defiantly catch up to your favorite shows. You will feel less defeated by your classes with some uninterrupted TV time.
nap NAP nap NAP
In my opinion, napping fixes about 90% of my stress-related problems, so what would be a better way to rid the finals season than a nap? Nothing.
Clean out your planner
My all-time favorite moment after a quarter is to rip all of the used, crossed out, highlighted pages of my planner. This makes it so that it looks super fresh for the next quarter, and at the same time, you will be able to avoid remembering all the assignments that you did winter quarter.
Make plans with your friends for spring break!
One of the most exciting things about the quarter being over is that you get to go home after it's done. You know what else is at home? your best friends. Make plans to get coffee, sit on the couch, or just stare at each other for a little bit. You miss them so much through the entire quarter, and you will finally be reunited, and yeah it feels so good.
You know what you have time to get because you're not panicking over deadlines? Coffee.
Coffee heals all hurt and it was a beautiful invention that I am forever grateful for.
Pack to go home for SPRING BREAK
I packed a whole week before dead week, and I don't regret pre-packing. My suitcase was a great reminder of what was to come after the living hell that is finals, and I am convinced that it played a role in getting me through my tests.
Prepare for spring quarter
Get those fresh notebooks, paper, pencils, pens, and get ready for the sunshine (maybe?) and school.
Getting ready for the next quarter slowly helps you remember that you do have to go back to school... unless you graduated and in that case CONGRATS! It also helps make sure that you are ready for the next quarter, so you can go back to school at the exact last minute.
I wish you the best spring quarter!