Make Goals For The Semester
Each semester make a list of goals you hope to accomplish. These can be small, big or both. Instead of making goals for your semester that are vague and seem daunting. Try to make goals that are specific and won't cause you stress. For example, instead of saying I'm going to get good grades make a more specific goal like I will get a B in this class. Put these goals in your planner but also somewhere where you'll see them everyday. It could be on your desk, you phone, your wall. Anywhere where you will look everyday and see them.
Utilize Your Planner
Using a planner can really make a difference. Once you get your syllabus, write down all your due dates so you can visually see them. Keep your planner with you in class and make sure to actually take it out of your backpack once you're home.
Stay Organized
Make sure you're keeping all your assignments and papers for your classes together. Maybe have file folders for each class or keep a binder for each class. Don't just throw your work in your backpack or on your desk. It'll get lost somewhere because lets be honest, it's hard to keep your room clean 24/7.
Do Assignments As Soon As You Get Them
Once you get an assignment, do it after your class if you have time while it's still fresh in your mind. Don't put off your homework until the day of, that'll just cause stress. If you do your assignments as you get them and stay on top of them it'll make life less stressful and so much easier. If you have a paper due in two weeks, do a little everyday instead of all in one day.
Make Use Of Academic Resources & Tutors
If you have a subject that you're struggling with maybe using your academic resources could be helpful. At my school we have a writing clinic where you can get help with your papers. Or maybe if you're struggling in a class you can reach out and find a tutor to make sure you fully understand everything. Asking for help is okay.
Don't Study The Night Before
Don't study the night before a big test/ don't write a paper the night before. You should start studying at least a week before an exam. Do a little bit of studying every night or day whichever time you prefer to study. It'll stick in your brain if you do a little rather than a lot at once.
Have A Study Space
Some people find that they can't study in their own rooms they have to go to the library. Find a space that's right for you for your study space. It could be at your desk, in bed, in the library, at a coffee shop, wherever you feel you can focus best. Try finding a spot where you can concentrate fully and not be disturbed.
Go To Class
I know class isn't always fun and sometimes you might have no desire to go. Show up anyways, it'll help you in the long run.
Make A Routine
Try and get into a routine to do every morning. Do something that makes you happy each morning, use it as a tool to get yourself out of bed. Maybe starting your day by making coffee would help. Or taking a shower first thing. Or maybe you need to just turn on the light and go on your phone for a bit. Whatever makes you happy.
Don't Forget About Self-Care
School can get hectic and you can forget about yourself. Treat yourself, take a day for yourself and relax. Go out shopping and buy something pretty. Get yourself a coffee you deserve it. Do something that makes you happy. You matter too. Don't let school interfere with your mental or physical health. It's okay to take time for yourself.