By the time you get to college chances are you already know you ABC's but it definitely isn't as easy as 1, 2, 3. Here are a few tips that will make your life a little easier.
1. Follow the 168 Hour Rule.
There are only 168 hours in a week thus there are only so many hours in a day for you to get things done. Time management is a skill that every college student must develop and the 168 Hour Rule makes planning simple. There are a set number of hours that you have to set aside for class, studying, organizations, work, sleep, and a social is up to you as to how you allot your time.
2. Wake Up Early.
Trust me, I am not a morning person but waking up early is so important when it comes to having a productive day. If you have 8 a.m.'s they are actually a blessing because they force you to wake up early and start to be productive. If you have later classes still wake up early. Waking up at least two hours before your first class means that you are going to be alive and ready to learn by the time you get to class. Wake up and go work out or do homework.
3. Limit your use of electronics.
In a perfect world you should limit your screen time to two hours per day (this includes your phone and computer) but this often isn't possible. It's best for you not to have a T.V. in your dorm room, it is just a distraction! Try to find other ways to relax and unwind that don't involve staring at a screen (ex. reading a book, talking to friends, or meditating).
4. Set aside time for yourself.
College is hard and you need time to recover mentally and physically. It is important that you set aside time for yourself to reflect, regroup, and unwind.
5. Be social.
While making time for yourself is important, make sure you aren't shutting yourself out from the world around you. It is important to stay balanced and being around people can often recharge your battery. Try and make an effort to meet up with friends to eat meals and walk with people to class.
6. Break up your study sessions. #procrastionationkills
It is important to start studying well before the date for your test/exam. Try and make it a habit to review your notes on a daily basis thus you are constantly exposed to the information. Make sure and take breaks while your studying, for every 30 min you spend studying take a 5 minute break. During breaks try and get up and walk around, go grab a snack, change locations, and rotate through different subjects/classes.
7. Create a designated study area.
While on the subject of hitting the books, it's important that you designate a place just for studying. Try to pick out a couple of different places (ex. the silent floor of the library or a local coffee shop), this way you are in the mindset to study when you are in these specific places. I'd suggest not studying in your dorm room, there are so many distractions, and I don't know about you but my bed is always calling my name.
8. Use weekends to your advantage.
Here's a dirty little secret, the weekends are crucial when it comes to getting ahead in classes and school work. Set aside one afternoon whether that be Friday, Saturday, or Sunday and use it to get ahead. Use this time to do your reading for the week, make outlines, make flash cards, and plan for the week ahead.
9. Limit your caffeine intake.
Becoming caffeine dependent can be a viscous cycle so try to avoid it at all costs. Try to only drink coffee/coke/energy drinks on the mornings you really need an extra boost. Try to opt for liquids that will keep you hydrated and take power naps.
10. Stay active.
In college you are sitting on your butt most of the day in class or studying so it's important to keep your blood flowing by staying active. Find a fun work out class, opt to take the stairs in academic buildings/dorms, walk everywhere that you can, or join an intramural team.