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10 Songs That Were Made For Long Car Rides

The ride home from college shouldn't have t be flipping through every song in your playlist.

10 Songs That Were Made For Long Car Rides

As college semesters start coming to a close with the dreaded finals, students will begin to head home for the holidays. If the college kids are anything like me, they have a few hour drive to get to their hometown or wherever they are spending the holidays. Here are ten rocking songs that are sure to make your car rides home feel a little bit faster.

1. "Burn the House Down" - AJR

The trumpets have this nice cruising down the high way feel while sticking your hand out the window (unless it's raining).

2. "My Blood" - Twenty One Pilots

An anthem for you and your friends when you want to lift each other up and know you've always got someone there for you.

3. "Valentine" - 5 Seconds of Summer

Whenever I listen to this song all I can do is bop my head. Their voices are so smooth and the beat just puts a smile on my face.

4. "Kamikaze" - WALK THE MOON

Taking a step in the direction you are most uncomfortable with, but doing so with confidence. This is a great pump up song when heading to anything you are scared to do.

5. "Simple" - Florida Georgia Line

Imagine cruising down the freeway along a river, not a worry in sight. Just enjoying the scenic view.

6. "Breathin" - Ariana Grande

For anyone going through something, it is nice to just have a little "pick-me-up." Just keep breathin'.

7. "Tip Toes" - half alive

A nice little alternative rock song to get your blood pumping.

8. "Why" - NF

Gotta have an angry rap song to scream the lyrics of. If you've got any pent up aggression, which I'm sure you do.


This is that one random song you don't skip, but half way through realize you wish you did, but you some how enjoy the song.

10. "Feel Something" - Jaymes Young

If you're single and getting a little desperate, here's a nice one to just sing all alone to your solemn self in the car.

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