I ask myself every day what we did to deserve dogs. These animals are like any other and nothing will compare.
Here are ten signs that show that you are a crazy obsessed dog person:
1. Things that are normally for human children are now for your dog.
2. No matter where you are, no matter how many people are in your way, if you see a dog you MUST say hello to him.
3. Dogs run to you as if you have puppy magnet spray on you.
4. Your dog, and really any dog you meet you create a list of bizarre names for it.
5. You refer to yourself as your dogs "mom" or "dad".
6.You prefer to share your bed with your dog, even though they will only give you limited space.
7. You throw a birthday party for your dog every year.
8. You'll happily share anything with your pup, even food.
9. You can't help but sob when you watch any dog movie, especially Marly and Me or A Dogs Purpose.
10. You know your dog will be there for you at any time of night, and will also greet you with a big wet kiss and a wag of the tail.
Cherish your pup, and any kind that comes along the way. They live to please you and will forever be your best and loyal friend, no human could ever compare to your dog.
“People are born so that they can learn how to live a good life – like loving everybody all the time and being nice. Well, dogs already know how to do that, so they don’t have to stay as long.”