Last year was a crazy year for rock 'n' roll. We had some comebacks, sound changes and some of the most intense albums that makes every rocker out there be proud to be labeled a "rocker." Here are my top 10 albums of 2015.
1. Disturbed - "Immortalized"
Disturbed has been gone far too long from us and now we have them back with their come back album! Immortalized is an album that has everything Disturbed fans have come to love over the years and offers a very powerful cover of "Sound of Silence", if you haven't heard that song or this album and do yourself a favor and go listen! Easily comparable to their most popular album, "The Sickness".
2. Breaking Benjamin - "Dark Before Dawn"
Another comeback, Breaking Benjamin released an album that showed off their talents in the best way. The songs "Failure," "Angels Fall" and my personal favorite "Breaking the Silence" give us a heavy sound with some clear, and nice vocals. The album pumps you up from the first to last track will be an instant classic for all rock lovers.
3. Halestorm - "Into The Wild Life"
Halestorm has done it again with their 3rd studio album, "Into The Wild Life". Lzzy is such a talented writer and isn't afraid to put herself out there with her lyrics, and the guys are probably the best group of musicians you could ask for, the passion this band has for the genre is truly inspiring. Halestorm has created an album that has a unique sound to it. It is much different from the older records but to say the least, it is a one of a kind album with so much heart and not mention the sexy guitar riff from "Apocalyptic".
4. Papa Roach - "F.E.A.R"
"Papa Roach! Papa Roach!" Check it, this album was nothing but energetic and fun. Jacoby really outdid himself with the lyrics in this album and each track has a meaning and story behind it. "Gravity" was the track that stood out to me because it felt so personal and I felt connected to the story, Maria Brink also gives some great vocals as well. "F.E.A.R" is an album that doesn't disappoint and literally makes me want to "Face Everything and Rise."
5. Nothing More, "Nothing More" 
This album was a piece of art. The band has such a good sound. They start the album strong and end it even stronger. Nothing More is a bunch of guys enjoying rock 'n' roll and getting to sing some of the greatest rock songs I have ever heard. Each song is totally different and unique on its own with each one touching on a certain subject. Do not underestimate these guys because they are nothing more than pure talent.
6.Bring Me The Horizon, "That's The Spirit"
This band started off very hard, and screamed A LOT. The evolution of Bring Me The Horizon has been nothing but noticeable and with the newest album out it goes to show this band has no plans stopping with their music. This album has a unique heavy sound as well as very clean and nice vocal set. The lyrics are very inspiring and keep you interested and feeling pretty great through the entire album. If you haven't checked this out, please do so! I promise your time will not be wasted!
7. Highly Suspect - "Mister Asylum"
Highly Suspect is something we haven't heard before. The most simple way to explain this album is by calling it unique. The voice, guitar and lyrics are all unique and creative which gives these artists the edge. They have created something of a masterpiece and continue to make me turn up the radio every time "Lydia" and "Bloodfeather" come on.
8. Coldrain - "VENA"
Driving down the road and randomly listening to this band was the best idea I have ever had. This is one of my personal favorites and gives a nice hard sound with clean vocals. This album is a mix of soft rock too and has such a nice balance of the two. Songs like "Gone" and "Words of The Youth" really stand out. I can promise you that they are songs you will want on repeat. Keep an eye out for these guys because they have a bright future ahead of them.
9. Three Days Grace - "Human Race"
With the departure of their lead singer, Adam Gontier, Three Days Grace had to come up with an alternative. Matt Walst became the new lead singer. With his voice and the band's sound comes an album that most people expected not to be so hot. The band is something totally different without Gontier and, respectfully, came out with an album that made them stand out. "Human Race" is an album that shows that even if someone splits from the band, the band can still keep going strong.
10. We Are Harlot - "We Are Harlot"
Danny Worsnop's band We Are Harlot is fun and exciting to listen to. The mix of classic and modern rock the band gives a catchy mix of music to enjoy. There is such a variety on the album. The album itself has a different type of sound on each track. This band gives a variety of tracks and needs to be listen to in its entirely to get the full experience.
Thanks for reading guys! I hope you guys enjoyed my list and listen to all of the albums because it is worth every minute. See you guys next week and remember kids, rock 'n' roll will never die! Have a good week!