Sometimes procrastinating can be hard. Here are some new ideas as to how you can procrastinating.
1. Make a procrastination list.
2. Clean or wash something.
3. Eat Fritos.
4. Discover the wonderful creation of whipped peanut butter.
5. Bake something unhealthy.
6. Eat an apple. Supposedly they keep the doctor away.
7. Make Crystal lite.
8. Text somebody or anybody or everybody.
9. Snapchat your best friend.
10. Go through all of the funny pictures in GroupMe.
11. Take a lap around your dorm floor or neighborhood.
12. Doodle on the assignment you should be doing.
13. Read some inspirational quotes.
14. Raid Pinterest.
15. Look up funny Tumblr posts.
16. Stare at your screen saver.
17. Apply for a job.
18. Check your long list of emails.
19. Go online shopping.
20. Make a Christmas list.
21. Call your mother.
22. Vacuum the room.
23. Watch for airplanes.
24. YouTube "Way Ho."
25. Have a five second dance party.
26. Make coffee.
27. Make tea.
28. Wash the dishes.
29. Make Mac'n'Cheese.
30. Help other people with their work.
31. Take a shower.
32. Paint your nails.
33. Watch Netflix.
34. Continue to watch Netflix after it asks, "Continue watching?"
35. Refill your water bottle.
36. Check out other people's shoes.
37. Tidy up your room.
38. Finish some laundry.
39. Talk about laundry conveniences.
40. Play games on your calculator.
41. Jam out to some music.
42. Go to a sporting event.
43. Go to the dining hall.
44. Go to the student center.
45. Pet a dog.
46. Decorate your room.
47. Stalk Facebook.
48. Go on a date.
49. Serenade someone.
50. Go to the bathroom.
51. Make up a list of roommate rules.
52. Read this procrastination list.
53. Obsess over the format of this list.
54. Braid someone's hair.
55. Learn a new dance move.
56. Discuss old habits.
57. Discuss the idea of time.
58. Change your outfit.
59. Wash your hands.
60. Tell an unimportant story.
61. Eat some Oreoes.
62. Host a High School Musical sing-along.
63. Contemplate the meaning of life.
64. Change your major a few times.
65. Find a new recipe.
66. Write down some inspirational quotes.
67. Make up a dance move.
68. Compliment someone.
69. Take a nap.
70. Go on a run.
71. Lift weights.
72. Take the stairs.
73. Have a chat with someone new.
74. Make a to-do list.
75. Plan your week.
76. Make weekend plans.
77. Play ping pong.
78. Play billiards (pool).
79. Make a Target list.
80. Go to Target.
81. Go somewhere new.
82. Organize your desk.
83. Knit a scarf.
84. Take a selfie with a stranger.
85. Go to mass/church.
86. Change your desktop background.
87. Have a snowball fight or roll in the leaves.
88. Enjoy the sunshine or get a tan.
89. Go to an art museum.
90. Scroll through Instagram.
91. Clean your computer screen.
92. Post pictures to Facebook.
93. Download a new song.
94. Make a new playlist.
95. Eat a mint.
96. Blow the biggest bubblegum bubble in the world.
97. Do some yoga.
98. Write a poem.
99. Complain about your homework.
100. Create a public disturbance.
101. Take a deep breathe because you should probably stop procrastinating now.