100 Lessons I Learned In High School That Were Not Part Of The Curriculum
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100 Lessons I Learned In High School That Were Not Part Of The Curriculum

As a now freshman in college, I figured to look back at the lessons I learned in HS that weren't part of any curriculum.

100 Lessons I Learned In High School That Were Not Part Of The Curriculum

100 Lessons I Learned In School That Were Not Part Of The Curriculum:

  1. Boys will break your heart and so will your friends, but the world won't stop for your grief.
  2. True friends may leave, but will always be there to catch you if/when you fall.
  3. Regret hurts a whole lot more than rejection.
  4. Procrastination is more of a curse than a superpower.
  5. Crying doesn't make you weak.
  6. If you change yourself for someone else, they aren't worth your time.
  7. Rumors are inevitable, your true friends will hear them but won't believe them.
  8. In real life, the mean girls aren't the popular ones, they're the lonely ones.
  9. You may learn a lot from your teachers, but they learn a lot from you, too.
  10. You will end up breaking yourself trying to please everyone.
  11. Friends will never push you into doing something you don't want to do.
  12. The secret to a healthy student-teacher friendship is knowing the line between being sassy and being disrespectful.
  13. Fairy Godmothers don't exist. In order to have your dream, you must work for it.
  14. It's okay if you don't have the same friend group throughout your school years.
  15. Karma is more of a bitch than anyone in your class.
  16. Just because you made a mistake doesn't mean you are a mistake.
  17. Everything happens for a reason.
  18. You are in charge of your own destiny, no one else should influence that.
  19. Support what you believe and not what your friends want you to believe.
  20. All drama is pointless in the long run.
  21. Don't be afraid to try new things.
  22. Forcing yourself into a relationship is just a waste of time.
  23. Don't skip class and make out in a public place, everyone will find out and that's on you.
  24. Identity isn't permanent, it's okay to not know exactly who you are.
  25. Acceptance is respect, you may be surprised to see how many people will support you.
  26. You only get one first impression.
  27. You aren't defined by your relationship status.
  28. You are responsible for what you get out of life.
  29. Don't be surprised if your arch-nemesis turns out to be your best friend when you graduate. Most of the time, you have more in common than you think.
  30. You are your worst critic.
  31. In the Words of Leslie Knope, "Uteruses Before Duderuses."
  32. Senioritis is a real thing.
  33. After February break, the months will fly by.
  34. It's okay to ask for help.
  35. School is important, but so is your mental health. Don't forget to take care of yourself.
  36. Success comes from the approval of others.
  37. Coffee isn't so bad.
  38. Being crazy just means your mind is more active than everyone else.
  39. Life will never be this easy again.
  40. Happiness can be found in the smallest of things.
  41. Shakespeare is pointless.
  42. If you fail one test, your life isn't over.
  43. Extra credit doesn't make you a nerd, it shows you're willing to work harder for a grade boost.
  44. High School isn't as long as you think.
  45. There is a lot of paperwork to drop out of school, just keep pushing through.
  46. The teachers who are the hardest on you, know you can do better.
  47. Make the best of a bad situation.
  48. It's okay to laugh at yourself.
  49. Sleep is important.
  50. Learn for yourself and not for a grade.
  51. Teachers are human too.
  52. Don't take yourself so seriously.
  53. Life is too short to burn bridges.
  54. Don't be afraid to fail, be afraid to not try.
  55. Help the underclassman, because that's what you wish you had.
  56. Always have a contingency plan to the contingency plan to the contingency plan
  57. Quit acting like you don't care, it's a waste of everyone's time.
  58. Take the classes you want to take, it's okay not to have a class with all your friends.
  59. Take advantage of study halls.
  60. The only thing that sugar coating accomplishes is hiding the truth from people to boost their egos.
  61. Nut up or shut up. Life is too short to beat around the bush.
  62. Don't flip off your hip young teacher in a classroom setting as a joke. Even if he does it to you.
  63. If you have a problem with someone, tell them. Talk it out. For the love of God, don't let it build up over time. It's not healthy
  65. Keep track of college deadlines.
  66. Communicate and coordinate with everyone. Last minute things are bad, bad, bad, bad, bad. Never double/triple book yourself!
  67. Midterms and Finals don't count that much.
  68. You only cheat yourself.
  69. Don't make out in the middle of the hallways.
  70. No one will like you if you can't give what you take. In other words, give back what you receive.
  71. Learn to take personal responsibility.
  72. Actively seek wisdom.
  73. Do something. Take action. Don't just sit there and fester.
  74. Have a decided heart.
  75. Choose to be happy, it helps a lot.
  76. Have a forgiving spirit.
  77. Persist without exception.
  78. Foreknowledge, self-awareness, and it will not get you as far as you think.
  79. Don't pick fights with people for attention. Intentionally antagonizing people is scummy and is another thing that will never end up working out for you.
  80. Join a sports team, it'll really help you make friends.
  81. Find your nichè.
  82. Listen to what other people have to say, but never feel like you have to base your decisions off of what people want you to do.
  83. There's a difference between being pressured into following the crowd and someone trying to stop you before you get hit by a bus. The only way you can find that difference is by being honest with yourself.
  84. Work hard in school freshman-junior year. Then do what you can to stay afloat senior year. If you crash and burn, no biggie, your last three years will hold you up.
  85. Time seems to slow down and speed up at the exact opposite times you wish they would, and there's not a damn thing you can do about it
  86. People are always in a storm, coming out of one, or getting ready to fight one.
  87. Things change. Over time, in the blink of an eye, and whether or not you intended it.
  88. Make like Walt Disney and keep moving forward.
  89. You can drown yourself in extracurricular activities and work, but if you don't deal with whatever it is you're trying to forget, it will never go away.
  90. Time is so slippery. Graduating doesn't start to sink in until after the fact. And then it hits you like a freight train.
  91. Learn to love the process. There's no use in destroying yourself when you forget why you even started in the first place.
  92. Take joy in all things.
  93. If you're bringing negativity into someone's life, it will affect how they perceive you for a long time. Along. Time. It's difficult to come back from it. Someone being awful to you is not grounds to play their game, because then you have two idiots making more stupid, and no one really wins
  94. Talk out conflicts in person. Texting is so dumb and cowardly.
  95. Don't act like a moral high ground. It belittles other people and doesn't get through to them the way you wish it would.
  96. The more perspectives you listen to, the clearer the picture becomes and the more you realize that everyone is kind of right about whatever is in question.
  97. If there's something you feel like you need to say at some exact moment, say it NOW, and don't hold it off because you're waiting for the right time.
  98. You walk into a room filled with unfamiliar people, right? And you make eye contact with someone across the room, you smile and say thanks to whoever held the door open for you, you acquaint yourself with the person who goes up to shake your hand. And you have no idea how much of an impact these people may or may not have in your life until you actually reach that point. There's no push notification that lights up and says "This person will be important to you". No person detector that says "This person will be your best friend, this person will teach you something, you will hurt this person, you will need this person"
  99. Middle School relationships happen in high school. Get. Out. Of. Them.
  100. Take a step back, see how far you've come. This is the structure for the rest of your life. Look around, take a deep breath, and live the life you were born to live.

*This list consists of lessons I wrote and lessons I have learned along the way.

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