1,000 goodbyes in our lifetime,
The first is a worry as we don't know what the future holds,
Our second holds confidence as we've seen this story before,
The 200th grows tired and thin and is laced with doubt.
The 400th holds questions as it feels like we are missing out.
The 700th is one that feels final as if we can catch our breath, but
the longing for another hello weighs on our hearts
like a sandbag on your chest
that offers no rest.
Yet for me, dear one, the 1,000 goodbyes that we say,
while they hurt
they ache
they sometimes feel like we are making a
Are nothing compared to the joy a hello can make.
Because for you, dear one, I would say 1,000 goodbyes if it meant that in the end
I was able to say 1,001 hellos.