100 Things To Be Happy About
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100 Things To Be Happy About

Despite everything thats wrong in the world, there are still plenty of things to be happy about..

100 Things To Be Happy About

The world can be a nasty place that is full of sadness, anger, and hardship. It owes you nothing, and has the power to knock you down again and again without any remorse. The world will just keep on spinning. So in the spirit of the holiday season, I decided to focus on the positives of everyday life, even the littlest sparks of joy in everyones lives. So, I asked numerous individuals to answer one question: What is something that makes you happy? Out of 432 responses, here is a condensed list of how 100 individuals of different ages answered this question.

100 Things to Be Happy About:

1: The smell after it rains - College Student

2: Fresh Baked cookies - Elementary school student

3: Mimoses - College Student

4: Brunch on Sundays - College Student

5: My Children - Middle Age

6: Senior discounts - Senior

7: Netflix Marathons - College student

8: Game Day - High School Student

9: Christmas Lights - College Student

10: Morning hugs and kisses - Elementary School Student

11: Being in your significant others arms - College Student

12: My Family - All ages

13: Dandelions - College Student

14: Sweet Memories - College Student

15: Being a positive influence - College Student

16: When you find out that what you were going to buy is on sale - Middle Aged

17: My sorority sisters / My fraternity Brothers - College Student

18: Laughing until your stomach hurts - College Student

19: Baby animals - Elementary Student

20: Traveling - Senior

21: Late night drives - College Student

22: That feeling you get when you realize you love someone who loves you too - College Student

23: Chick-Fil-A - College Student

24: When a song comes on pandora that fits exactly how you're feeling - High School Student

25: Sun rays through the woods in the mountains - College Student

26: My Teammates - College student

27: The Squad - Preteen

28: Being a positive influence - College Student

29: Music festivals - College Student

30: State fair rides - High School Student

31: Road Trips - Senior

32: 80's Movies - College Student

33: Cold pizza for breakfast - College Student

34: Holding hands with your crush - Elementary Student

35: Polaroids - College Student

36: Hotel Pools - High School Student

37: Summer BBQ's - Middle Aged

38: Receiving flowers - Senior

39: Flea markets - Middle Aged

40: Getting an A - College Student

41: Making someone smile - Elementary Student

42: Walking on the beach at night - College Student

43: Sleeping in - College Students

44: Love Your Melon Beanies - College Student

45: Margaritas and Wine nights - Middle aged

46: Vacation - College Student

47: Bread - Elementary Student

48: Sea Shells - Preteen

49: Seeing someone you love after a long time apart - College Student

50: Butterfly Kisses - Elementary Student

51: Cute Babies - Senior

52: Finding something you lost - College Student

53: Trump not being president - College Student / Senior / Middle Aged

54: Sunshine because it reminds me of my girlfriend - College Student

55: Board Games - Elementary Student

56: Loafers - Senior

57: Clean Sheets - College Student

58: Surprises - High School Students

59: Finally Moving on - College Student

60: Handwritten Letters - Senior

61: Running through sprinklers - Elementary Student

62: Blankets right out of the dryer - College Student

63: Compliments from strangers - Preteen

64: Reading old messages - High School Student

65: Doing the right thing - College Student

66: Getting a new pet - High School Student

67: Feeling Confident - College Student

68: Growing an inch - High School Student

69: Cold water to drink - College Student

70: Not being sick - High School Student

71: A good book - Middle Aged

72: Manicures and pedicures with friends - College Student

73: Warm bubble baths - High School Students

74: Pet Stores - College Student

75: Being happy drunk - College Student

76: Sunsets - Middle Aged

77: Chocolate - Senior

78: Hash Browns - College Student

79: Trying something that scares you - College Student

80: When they spell your name right at Starbucks - College Student

81: The last day of school - High School Student

82: Cruise Ships - Senior

83: My Husband - Middle Aged

84: Weddings - College Student

85: Wearing sweats and a t-shirt after a long day - College Student

86: Photo booths with a ton of people - High School Student

87: Being taken on an actual date - College Student

88: Playing Soccer with friends - College Student

89: Sneaking snack into movie theaters - High School Student

90: Pretty shot glasses - College Student

91: That feeling you get after a good work out - College Student

92: Not being a vegetarian - College Student

93: Buffalo Wild Wings - College Student / High School Student

94: Writing something that means something to someone - College Student

95: Seeing your loved one when you get off the plane - College Student / Senior

96: Your signature drink - Middle Aged

97: Finding money somewhere - College Student

98: Not finding monsters under your bed - Elementary Student

99: Libraries - Middle Aged

100: Being loved - All ages

So if you're having a tough day just remember that despite everything thats wrong in the world, there are still plenty of things to be happy about.

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