In the midst of school work, a job that is killing you, or some real-life drama you can't seem to escape from, let me be the first to say it is especially difficult to remember to search for the good in life when it seems like life is outscoring you 500,000 to 0. I can honestly say that I always forget, ALWAYS, to find the good in everyday, but maybe that is just what we need to power through some tough times. Here are 100 things to make you say "Thanks life" instead of feeling like it has gotten the best of you.
1. Starbuck's coffee
2. John Mayer, Maroon Five, Ed Sheeran
3. Ice cold water after a run
4. Thanksgiving being sooooo close
5. Dishwashers
6. Snuggling with your dog
7. Your dog in general
8. Lush Bath Bombs
9. Warm Showers
10. Christmas Socks
11. Someone asking for your advice
12. Cookies
13. The Harry Potter Books and Movies
14. Netflix
15. How I Met Your Mother
16. Chinese Takeout
18. Babies
19. Having a best friend
20. Cars and the ability to drive
21. The leaves changing color
22. Fresh air
23. Being in love
24. Laughing until your stomach hurts
25. Chipotle's corn salsa
26. Fresh apple cider
27. Google
28. Peppermint gum
29. Good filters for photos
30. VSCO
31. Getting a good grade on a test
32. Down comforters
33. The sound of rain while you're trying to fall asleep
34. Sunroofs on a car
35. Your parents
36. McDonald's Chicken McNuggets
37. Warm Chocolate Chip Cookies
38. Good health — even if you do have a slight cold
39. The ability to text
40. Emails
41. Sunshine
42. Really good math teachers
43. Snow days
44. Tiramisu from an authentic Italian bakery
45. Journals
46. Electricity
47. Your Grandma and Grandpa
48. The weekend
49. Warm weather on fall days
50. Sunflowers
51. Bagels with cream cheese
52. Emoji's
53. Farmer's Markets
54. Parody Twitter accounts
55. Ketchup and mustard on a hot dog
56. Broccoli cheddar soup from Panera
57. Arizona iced tea
58. The sunset and sunrise
59. Really smooth pens
60. Nutella with bananas, pretzels, cookies, etc.
61. Chips and guac, salsa, queso
62. Barrio Tacos
63. People watching (we all do it, stop acting like you don't)
64. Shower Loofas
65. Getting an extra hour of sleep one day a year
66. The feeling of being back in your bed at home after being gone for some time
67. The feeling of seeing your best friend after a long time away from them
68. Frank Sinatra's voice
69. Covers of songs
70. Youtube
71. Taco Bell chips and cheese
72. Pizza and wings
73. Self help books
74. Amy Poehler and Tina Fey
75. Saturday Night Live and Whose Line is it Anyway
76. Air Conditioning
77. Tide Pods
78. Smoothies
79. The Odyssey Online (ya, thats right)
80. Our hidden talents
81. Spotify/Apple Music/Pandora Radio
82. Really warm knit sweaters
83. Thrift Stores
84. Christmas Lights
85. Christmastime in general
86. Pintrest
87. Heart-to-heart Conversations
88. Lunch dates with a good friend
89. Rain boots/Uggs/Duck Boots
90. Handwritten letters
91. Movie nights
92. Candlelight
93. Ice cream
94. When you see your food coming at a restaurant
95. Compliments from strangers (or anyone)
96. Good morning/good night texts
97. Phone calls/ FaceTime calls from good friends or family you haven't seen in awhile
98. Shopping at Target (and getting lost in all the beautiful new things)
99. A really good planner to keep your life organized
100. Being you