100 Things Everyone Should Add To Their Summer Bucket Lists
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100 Things Everyone Should Add To Their Summer Bucket Lists

Ignore the cold, it's time to talk about summer.

100 Things Everyone Should Add To Their Summer Bucket Lists
Caroline Kelley
"So the annual problem for our generation is finding a good way to spend it, like maybe.."
-Phineas and Ferb

It's. Still. Winter.

The bitter cold is getting to the best of us and we've all had it. Admit it, you've contemplated booking a flight to a tropical island and never returning to avoid the tundra of winter..If you haven't, trust me, I have. However, sooner then you think it'll be sweet summer time. The first day it breaks 60 degrees you know you'll see car windows cranked down, girls in high rise shorts and boys skateboarding through the streets. With thoughts of warmer weather distracting us from our daily responsibilities, summer could not come sooner.

The best part of the summertime is grabbing your best friends and creating memories to last a lifetime. So why not start planning your summer adventures now?

Here's my summer bucket list, don't be afraid to steal some ideas and make them your own for the best summer ever. (The bold ones are an ABSOLUTE must.)

1. Watch the sun rise.

2. Road trip to somewhere new.

3. Go to lunch with an old friend.

4. Sleep on the beach.

5. Finish an entire pizza by yourself.

6. Prank call McDonald's (trust me this one is fun).

7. Enjoy every minute of sunshine.

8. Visit Philadelphia.

9. Go to a concert at an outside venue.

10. Fill up your tank, wake up early, and drive as far as you can.

11. Get mad sunburn.

12. Cliff jumping, everything about it is incredible.

13. Spend a day with your phone off and away.

14. Cook yourself a new meal for each meal for one day, breakfast through dinner.

15. Tell someone you love them.

16. Give a free a hug, when acceptable.

17. Go mini golfing.

18. Get soft serve ice cream with lots of jimmies.

19. Have a bonfire and roast up some s'mores!

20. Do community service.

21. Take yourself out on a date to a really fancy restaurant (you can do it!).

22. Go to a party.

23. Head down to the thrift shop and go thrifting.

24. Give a random compliment.

25. Send a letter through snail mail.

26. Go pool hopping at night.

27. Write down what you're grateful for.

28. Dress up nice for the day.

29. Try a new type of sushi.

30. Pay for a stranger's coffee.

31. Start a journal.

32. Visit friends that are far away.

33. Read a book.

34. Pull an all-nighter.

35. Organize your closet.

36. Go streaking.

37. Go to the nearest outlet.

38. Spread good positive vibes every day.

39. Get a job!

40. Fall in love with new music.

41. Sleep in.

42. Smile at everyone for an entire day.

43. Take a day trip to the beach.

44. Walk the entire boardwalk.

45. Build a sandcastle.

46. Swim in the ocean.

47. Get boardwalk fries.

48. Bury someone in the sand.

49. Use sunscreen.

50. Try surfing.

51. Go to a baseball game.

52. Support a local artist and buy some cute artwork to decorate your room.

53. Get in shape.

54. Try going for a run every day.

55. Kiss someone.

56. Spend an entire day with your best friend.

57. Look through your old yearbooks.

58. Dance in the rain.

59. Drive and put the music on full blast.

60. Go out to a fancy restaurant with a date.

61. Make a bucket list.

62. Get water ice.

63. Slip and slide!

64. Create new memories by going on adventures with your closest friends.

65. Hang out with your siblings.

66. Go on a family vacation.

67. Find a path and take a nature walk.

68. Gather your best friends and have the ultimate sleepover, just like the good old days.

69. Wear flip flops daily!

70. Leave someone a really nice tip just because.

71. Buy some chalk and chalk up the sidewalks!

72. See fireworks.

73. Have a BBQ with your friends.

74. Go to an amusement park.

75. Camp out under the stars.

76. Try painting!

77. Always drive with the windows down.

78. Have a lemonade stand.

79. Make someone's day.

80. Climb a tree.

81. Make a fort.

82. Play manhunt.

83. Take a boat ride and go fishing.

84. Visit the local zoo.

85. Make a summer playlist.

86. Plant a garden.

87. Try skydiving!

88. Carry a disposable camera with you and snap some pictures!

89. Attend a music festival.

90. Hold the door for somebody.

91. Have a dare day, no dare goes without being accomplished.

92. Cherish each day like it's your last, no regrets this summer!

93. Lay in the grass and enjoy the clouds passing by.

94. Run through the sprinkler.

95. Have a picnic at a park.

96. Get ice cream from the ice cream man.

97. Ding dong ditch your neighbor.

98. Eat all the watermelon, strawberries and peaches you can — they're best in the summer.

99. Have fun in the sun.

100. Watch the sunset.

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