Although there are infinite things I could thank you for, here's a list that sums up some of the most important. These are things that make our relationship stronger and reasons why I love you. In no particular order, here it goes:
Thank you for:
1. telling me I am beautiful every day.
2. being the first text I wake up to and the last text I go to sleep to.
3. proofreading my term papers before I turn them in.
4. reading all of my Odyssey articles.
5. staying on the phone with me even when we have nothing to say.
6. being friends with my friends.
7. taking me out for dinner and drinks.
8. loving ice cream as much as I do.
9. helping me move apartments.
10. watching stupid movies/shows with me.
11. listening to me vent my feelings.
12. wiping my tears when I need a good cry.
13. agreeing with me most of the time.
14. bringing me gifts.
15. laughing at stupid Facebook videos I force you to watch.
16. making me think I'm funny.
17. spending a Sunday doing absolutely nothing with me.
18. bringing me things to the library when I forget them.
19. driving me to class.
20. letting me borrow your headphones.
21. sharing your Chapstick.
22. ordering french fries and then sharing them with me.
23. letting me use your phone charger.
24. loving my family.
25. letting me love your family.
26. letting me pick where we eat.
27. using your meal plan to feed me when I don't have options of my own.
28. celebrating the holidays with me.
29. letting me take naps in your bed while you're in class.
30. introducing me to all of your friends.
31. pretending to like my dog.
32. sending me silly Snapchats and Bitmojis.
33. letting me drive, because you know I am a bad passenger.
34. going to concerts with me.
35. telling the truth.
36. being able to spend months apart with no worries.
37. being my #1 fan.
38. not being a picky eater.
39. being a pretend member of my school organization.
40. being my best friend.
41. being the best DJ, all of the time.
42. standing up for me.
43. never hurting me.
44. understanding all of my Spongebob references.
45. showing me affection in front of your friends.
46. taking pictures with me.
47. dressing up in a couples costume with me for Halloween.
48. making me breakfast sandwiches.
49. letting me talk smack about Dunkin' Donuts.
50. studying with me for hours at a time.
51. dancing with me.
52. giving me foot rubs.
53. listening to my long stories.
54. going to the gym with me.
55. having the same political affiliation as me.
56. going to festivals with me.
57. hiking with me.
58. going to amusement parks with me.
59. getting pizza with me at 3 a.m.
60. binge-watching Netflix shows with me.
61. not being easily offended.
62. accepting my potty-mouth.
63. letting me cook for you.
64. sharing the same religion as me.
65. laughing with me.
66. making me smile on days I feel my worst.
67. letting me think I am right, even when you know I am wrong.
68. putting aloe on my sunburn.
69. letting me use your printer.
70. letting me wear your clothes more than I wear my own.
71. making me feel safe.
72. threatening to beat up losers who try to hit on me.
73. being yourself.
74. teaching me how to love hockey.
75. listening to work drama.
76. wearing sunglasses with me in every single outdoor photo.
77. going to weddings with me.
78. being confident in yourself.
79. sharing my love of mangoes.
80. always putting other people first.
81. being my beer pong partner.
82. treating me like a queen.
83. not judging me for the classic movies I have yet to see.
84. giving me back rubs.
85. letting me be your fraternity's sweetheart.
86. not caring if my legs are not smoothly shaven.
87. never making me feel self-conscious about my body or what I eat.
88. letting me publish this list about you on the Internet.
89. understanding my sarcasm.
90. trying new things.
91. giving the best hugs (embraces).
92. letting me pay sometimes.
93. not judging me when I wear nothing but yoga pants for 7 days straight.
94. always sharing.
95. having thought-provoking conversations.
96. giving me the attention I need.
97. telling me I don't need make-up.
98. having our own dialect between each other.
99. being my better half.
100. picking me.