Every once in awhile, we all need to be reminded of how good we have it and how thankful we should be for all that we have.
1. Someone loves you.
2. Someone smiled at you today.
3. You are healthy.
4. You are in college.
5. You know what it's like to laugh until it hurts.
6. Your best friends live down the hall from you.
7. You heard your favorite song on the radio today.
8. Halloween candy is on sale right now.
9. The NHL season is back.
10. You have your priorities right.
11. You have friends who always have your back.
12. You have siblings to fight with.
13. Someone you know just fought cancer and won.
14. You can afford three meals a day.
15. Your roommate bought you donuts.
16. You have clean water to drink from.
17. You have a roof over your head.
18. You have travelled out of the country.
19. There is always someone willing to listen to you.
20. You didn't give up even though you wanted to.
21.You're having a really good hair day.
22. You made and mistake and apologized for it.
23. You are loyal.
24. You got to see a dog today.
25. You got to see the sun rise.
26. It's a Friday night and you get to dance with your friends.
27. You can order pizza at two am with your best friends.
28. You made a new friend.
29. You reconnected with an old friend.
30. Christmas is in less than 2 months.
31. You respect yourself.
32. You respect others.
33. Today could be the best day of your life.
34. You are kind.
35. You made a bad decision and survived.
36. There are good people in the world.
37. You have a favorite meal and have the privilege to eat it.
38. You can wake up next to someone that you love.
39. You have goals and dreams.
40. You have made an impact on someone's life.
41. You are the reason why someone smiled today.
42. You believed in yourself when no one else did.
43. You made a hard decision.
44. You can still remember your fist kiss.
45. You are capable of saying no.
46. You stood up for yourself in a situation that required it.
47. Something that you've been waiting for just happened.
48. You went to do the laundry and all the machines were free.
49. Your favorite television show is on tonight.
50. Your birthday is coming up.
51. Someone knows and remembers your favorite color.
52. Your favorite store is having a sale.
53. Someone who you didn't expect remembered your birthday.
54. You have best friends from childhood.
55. You have professors who care about how you do in class.
56. Your high school teachers still remember your name.
57. You have the potential to be happy.
58. There is someone in the world who always wants you to be happy.
59. You are in love.
60. You are single and don't care what anyone thinks.
61. There is something you can do better than anyone else.
62. You can take a nap this afternoon.
63. You can pick up the phone and call anyone you miss right now.
64. You are lucky enough to have someone to miss.
65. Someone gave you flowers.
66. Today somebody had their first "something" happen to them.
67. You have accomplished something that others said you could not.
68. Nobody tagged you in a bad picture on social media today.
69. You found the last roll of toilet paper when you thought you were all out.
70. You can see.
71. You can hear.
72. You can feel.
73. You know what it feels like to make someone proud of you.
74. You know what it feels like to fall in love.
75. You can beat everyone at ping pong.
76. You're having a really good hair day.
77. You can go out to brunch with your friends after a night out.
78. You got a really, really good night's sleep.
79. You have the power to change your life at anytime.
80. You have been the recipient of a random act of kindness.
81. Your Monday morning class was cancelled.
82. You paid all of your bills on time.
83. You are vulnerable and it is okay.
84. You can say whatever you want.
85. You have a car that works.
86. You don't have to go to jury duty.
87. You can eat a cookie for breakfast.
88. Your life could be a lot worse.
89. You have the privilege to vote.
90. You live in a country that allows you to grow and prosper.
91. You can strive for the American Dream.
92. Your bad haircut was finally fixed.
93. Someone bought you a drink at a bar.
94. A puppy ran right to you today.
95. When you woke up today someone had made breakfast for you.
96. You can take a shower without needing shower shoes.
97. You got an A on a test you studied really hard for.
98. You made yourself proud.
99. You got a hug from your mom today.
100. You are alive and can change your future if you don't like where you're headed.