As any other person on this planet, it sometimes can be hard to find the good in things. However, as I have always tried my hardest to find happiness in any and every moment and just generally always try to find the best in every situation, I have realized that your own happiness is much more important than people often think. Finding the good in any situation can help you to find happiness in some of the simplest and unexpected places.
Many people often think that happiness can be found by creating the largest social media pool, trying to be someone that they are not in order to be accepted or even having the nicest car or the biggest house. But happiness does not come from these material or “fake” things. It comes from strong connections with people you love, having gratitude and consideration for the people around you and finding happiness in the most unexpected and often overlooked places.
Constantly reminding yourself that your happiness is one of the most important things and sometimes having to put your happiness first is something that should be happening every day. Personally, my happiness comes from thousands of things ranging from reading a book all the way to vacationing to the ocean and everything in between. Also, I find happiness in the happiness of others and seeing others in content, but this also sometimes means that I do not put my happiness first.
Everyone has their flaws and many people are like me—forgetting to put their happiness before others. Therefore, in order to give you just a simple idea of how easy it is to find happiness in the smallest of places, here are 100 reminders of happiness that surround you each and every day. This list also purposes for each of you to think of your own reminders that make you happy and to tell yourself that your happiness is important and that you should always find happiness in every situation in the most unexpected places.
- You are loved by more than you could ever imagine.
- You have a home.
- Flowers are blooming around you.
- Summer is closer than it has been all year.
- You talked to someone you love today.
- You are beautiful.
- Listening to the rain hit the roof when you fall asleep.
- Freshly mowed grass.
- Watching the stars at night.
Photo by Olena Bohovyk on Unsplash
- Someone in your life wants you to be happy.
- You have food to eat and water to drink.
- Chocolate is still existing.
- There are dogs to pet and to cuddle with.
- Cuddling.
- You are talented and have a special talent that no one else knows about.
- Listening to music.
- One Direction.
- You are able to help someone.
- Volunteering for a charity.
- Sitting on a dock.
- Taking pictures with your best friends.
- Going to a cabin.
- You have cute clothes to wear every day.
- Someone said, “Hi” to you today.
- Someone thinks you are the most important person in their life.
Photo by Humphrey Muleba on Unsplash
- Someone looks up to you.
- You have a job or some other commitment.
- You believe in something.
- Someone believes in you.
- Listening to the birds chirping outside.
- Finding a dandelion in the middle of a grassy lawn.
- Lilacs.
- Starbucks is a thing.
- You have or will see the Northern Lights.
- Vacations or camping or nights out.
- Spontaneous road trips.
- You can do anything that you set your mind to.
- You believe in someone else.
- Warm, melty chocolate chip cookies.
- You matter.
- Chicken noodle soup when you are sick.
- Grey’s Anatomy/One Tree Hill/Gossip Girl.
- Freshly cleaned sheets.
- You have dreams and goals.
- You are inspiring.
- You are inspired by something or someone else.
- Bright colored daisies.
pink and white flowers with green leaves
Photo by W.S. Coda on Unsplash
- Reading your favorite book over and over again.
- Coming home and changing into an over-sized sweatshirt and leggings.
- Going out and dressing up.
- But feeling confident in both.
- Sleeping in on Sunday mornings.
- Getting up to watch the sunrise.
- Sunsets.
- Surprising someone or being surprised.
- Art museums.
- Pugs.
- Good nights and good morning’s.
- Laughing, laughing, laughing.
- Making someone else laugh.
- Board games.
- Rainy days.
- Sunny days.
- You are vibrant and radiant.
- Bare feet in the sand.
person's feet on seashore
Photo by Abbie Bernet on Unsplash
- Dimples.
- Highlighting quotes in your favorite books.
- Seeing others happy.
- Seeing couples holding hands.
- Sailing.
- Your mother, father, sister, brother, grandpa, grandma, aunt, uncle, cousins, etc.
- Putting your music on shuffle and having your favorite song come on first.
- Did I mention One Direction?
- Oh, and Beyoncé.
- Saltwater and sea shells.
- Loving something or someone with the strongest passion.
- Glitter.
- Being the only one on the court/field/track/ice.
- Feeling invincible.
- Adrenaline.
- Conquering one of your fears.
- Listening to someone’s heartbeat.
- Talking to someone about their favorite things or memories.
- Disney movies.
Photo by Sincerely Media on Unsplash
- God, Jesus and your faith.
- Candles.
- Girls’/Guys’ night.
- Butterflies.
- Airports and airplanes.
- Acing a hard test or failing and learning from it.
- Kids.
- Sleeping with the window open.
- Hugs.
- Being there for someone no matter what.
- Trusting someone.
- You are the best at something.
- You are someone’s best friend.
- Chocolate still exists.
- You can move mountains.
- Your happiness is the most important.
- 365 Reasons To Be Happy, Part 1 ›
- 100 Little Reasons To Celebrate ›
- 200 Reasons To Be Happy ›
- 100 Reasons To Be Happy ›