100 Positive Things | The Odyssey Online
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100 Positive Things

A list of happiness in a world filled with negativity.

100 Positive Things

In a world full of negativity and darkness, sometimes we just have to take a second and think about some of the good things in this world. We can't put all bad things in a little box and ignore them, hoping eventually they will go away. But we can put the world on hold for a minute and count our blessings. Here's to all the good things we should never forget about even when things seem rough.

1. Bacon

2. Puppies

3. Pizza

4. Family

5. Friends

6. "Friends" (The television show.)

7. Books

8. Movies

9. Laughter

10. Netflix

11. Grandparents

12. '90s Cartoons

13. Josh Peck

14. Baby Elephants

15. Stars

16. Flowers

17. Chocolate

18. Coffee

19. Music

20. Disney Movies

21. Lazy Sundays

22. Random Adventures

23. Naps

23. Ice Cream

24. Cute Boys / Girls

25. Getting A Letter In The Mail

26. Realizing Your Favorite Jeans Are Clean (More Or Less)

27. Finding Good Sales

28. Bonfires

29. That Post-Bonfire Smell

30. Art

31. Writing

32. Rain

33. That Post-Workout Feeling

34. That New Book Smell

35. That New House Or New Car Smell

36. That New Baby Smell

37. The Smell Of Cologne

38. Warm Towels

39. Live Music

40. Josh Peck

41. Finding Money You Didn't Know You Had

42. Sunshine

43. Payday

44. Hugs

45. Long Walks

46. Comfortable Shoes

47. Flannel

48. Fuzzy Blankets

49. Oversized Sweaters

50. Fall

51. Summer

52. Spring

52. Winter

53. Finding Out Classes Are Canceled After A Snowstorm

54. Sumo Wrestlers (For Obvious Reasons)

55. Laughing Until You Cry

56. Weddings

57. Going To The Park

58. Guitars And The Beautiful People Who Play Them (ft. John Mayer)

59. Good Hair Days

60. Hats On Bad Hair Days

61. Josh Peck

62. Being Excited For Something

63. Going To The Movies

64. Trying New Food

65. Writing With Your Favorite Pen

66. Not Having To Set An Alarm

67. Waking Up Without An Alarm And Then Going Back To Sleep

68. Food Of Any Kind

69. Going For A Hike

70. Watching Some Embarrass Themselves And Then Laugh About It

71. Spongebob Squarepants

72. Falling In love

73. Getting Done With Work Or Class Early

74. The Ocean

75. Friendly Animals

76. Friendly (Non-Creepy) Strangers

77. Wind On A Hot Day

78. Cuddling With Said Friendly Animals

79. Going To Your Favorite Stores

80. Waking Up Christmas Morning

81. Waking Up On Your birthday

82. Getting Gifts

83. Giving Gifts

84. Giving Compliments

85. Getting Compliments

86. Finding A New Favorite Pair Of Jeans

87. Air Conditioning On A Hot Day

88. When Your Look Is On Point

89. Helping Someone

90. When Little Kids Draw Or Color A Picture Just For You

91. Josh Peck

92. Josh Peck's Hair

93. Josh Peck's Vines

94. Josh Peck's Snapchat Stories

95. Seeing Your Best Friend For The First Time In A While

96. Getting To Work Or Class On Time

97. That Post-Poo Feeling

98. When Your Favorite Show Is Finally On Netflix

99. That Feeling You Get When You Are Almost Done Cleaning

100. Josh Peck

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