As 2015 comes to an end, many people will set their New Years resolutions. The popular "lose weight" or "join a gym" will indeed still be a resolution many people will set for 2016. However, along with the more generic resolutions, there are those who will make unique goals. If you are still deciding what your resolutions are going to be, maybe you can get an idea from this list.
1. Lose weight.
2. Quit smoking.
3. Travel.
4. Get a six-pack.
5. Eat healthier.
6. Quit drinking.
7. Find a boyfriend or girlfriend.
8. Start saving money.
9. Stop drinking soda.
10. Learn a language.
11. Stop eating sweets.
12. Stop playing candy crush.
13. Don't buy the latest iPhone.
14. Learn to paint.
15. Start a YouTube channel.
16. Complete a P90X challenge.
17. Learn to dance.
18. Make more time for family.
19. Get a better job.
20. Drink more water.
21. Spend less time on social media.
22. Get out of debt.
23. Watch less T.V.
24. Recycle.
25. Meet a celebrity.
26. Get a makeover.
27. Get a pet.
28. Break a record.
29. Make a new friend a month.
30. Be more spontaneous.
31. Stay more informed in what is going on in the world.
32. Enrich your vocabulary.
33. Overcome a fear.
34. Stop eating fast food.
35. Get famous.
36. Take risks.
37. Stop procrastinating.
38. Establish a budget.
39. Skydive.
40. Take up a sport.
41. Leave the country.
42. Be more punctual.
43. Cook at home more often.
44. Turn off the Internet and television and read a book before falling to sleep.
45. Use credit cards for emergencies only.
46. Refrain from gossiping.
47. Use products that are eco-friendly.
48. Volunteer.
49. Spend money on things that create memories.
50. Go without Netflix for a month.
51. Go see your doctor more.
52. Learn to control your emotions.
53. Become more romantic.
54. Become more social.
55. Walk a little slower and take in your surroundings.
56. Take up yoga.
57. Have some "me time."
58. Tackle some DIY Pinterest projects.
59. Stand up for yourself more often.
60. Stop beating yourself up over mistakes. Learn from them, and move on.
There are many ideas that you can pick to focus on for yourself this upcoming year. No matter if you pick a resolution from this list of 60 ideas or if you think of one that better fits you, just make sure to pursue. The majority of people do have new year resolutions however, most also never actually follow through and complete it. If you can just pick one and make it your goal to accomplish it, that would be more successful than listing a few and not completing any of them. Who knows, this one change for the new year can benefit not only you for 2016 but also the rest of your life.
Happy New Year! Make 2016 your best year yet!