Like most Freshman, I came into college thinking I had just about everything figured out… Little did I know, I had so much to learn. Here are a few lessons I learned this past year.
- If you didn’t think to pack it you probably don’t need it. (You’ll realize this when your packing up to move home for the summer)
- Unless you came to college in a relationship or run across a real keeper, staying single your freshman year is the way to go.
- If he or she texts/Snapchats/DMs you after midnight he or she is a no go.
- Get involved.
- Get comfortable with being uncomfortable.
- You will learn to love cereal.
- If you don't know what to wear to an event creep on social media to see what people wore in years past.
- Spend the least amount of time possible in your dorm. (Keep yourself busy doing other things)
- Don’t forget to work out!!! (Your metabolism will fail you and the freshman 15 is very much a thing)
- The “I’ll give it a semester” excuse is lame, get involved ASAP.
- You probably won’t talk to your parents every day and that is okay!
- Don’t let your friendships back home slip away, you’ll want people to hang out with when you come home from break.
- Try your best not to go home very often first semester, it makes the adjustment easier.
- Going home only makes your homesickness worse.
- Get to know your professors.
- Office hours are there for a reason, GO TO THEM!
- If you T.A. or S.I. has office hours or a study group… go!
- Get to know people in all of your classes.
- Invest in a good pair of walking shoes, ex. Chacos, Birkenstocks.
- If you plan on going to Sorority or Fraternity Recruitment do your research!
- Community bathrooms really aren’t that bad.
- Be cautious entering a community bathroom the morning after a big party…chances are you’re going to get to the “mystery vomit” vomit before the janitorial staff does.
- ^^^ Same rule applies for dorm elevators.
- Don’t limit yourself to just one friend group.
- You will probably think consider transferring at some point, be rational about it. (It is probably just a phase).
- You’ll probably consider change your major, give it a while.
- If you are in fact miserable, change your major!
- Try to start reviewing at least a week before a test.
- Try to limit the number of all-nighters you pull.
- Sleep > Pulling an all nighter
- School always comes first.
- But don’t study so much that you have no friends and no life because that would make college really boring.
- Be aware/find out about all of the free stuff you campus has to offer.
- Find out about all of the local student discounts.
- Immerse yourself in the culture of the town your college or university is in.
- The locals are either going to love you or hate you.
- All drama is unnecessary drama.
- 10/10 your parent’s advice will still serve you well.
- 9/10 your friend’s advice will still serve you well.
- Read The Naked Roommate before you go off to college!
- Chances are you’re going to hit a low at some point in the semester/year and that’s okay.
- Don’t be afraid to consoling, your mental health is so important!
- Always have a plan before you go out.
- Try not to spend weekends alone in your room…BE SOCIAL!
- But do make time for yourself, that is hard to come by in college.
- 8 a.m.’s really aren’t all that bad, take them.
- Don’t wait until the last minute to ask for help.
- Take advantage of free tutoring!
- SHOW UP TO CLASS! (professors notice who shows up and who doesn’t)
- Finals suck and there is no way around it.
- MLA Format/Writing Guides will be your new best friend.
- Go to as many sporting events as you can.
- The chances of being productive on a Friday after 12 p.m. are 0/10.
- Sundays are for studying!!!
- Get a planner!
- 2 a.m. food runs are completely normal.
- Get your GPA up as high as you can so you don’t have to play catch up later.
- Studying in your dorm doesn’t usually work out well.
- Study in the Library (club lib) or find a quiet coffee shop.
- Don’t be a messy roommate… that’s just rude.
- Don’t get scared by all of the terrible roommate stories, they really aren’t that bad.
- You don’t have to be best friends with your roommate.
- Go and visit friends at other colleges just to see what it is like.
- Spontaneous road trips are always a good idea.
- Your greatest memories will be made when you least expect it.
- Stop living for the weekend and live in the moment.
- Find a church asap (if you’re religious)
- Gameday is a holiday, celebrate accordingly.
- If you’re in a relationship/friendship that is dragging you down… end it!
- You’ll miss your pets back home.
- You will have a newfound love for people walking their dogs. “Sir, can I pet your dog? Please.”
- You will be asked “What’s your name? What’s your major? What year are you?” at least twice a day. Get creative with your responses.
- You will need to know your student I.D. so just go ahead and memorize it.
- It’s okay to always be the D.D.
- Always have a D.D. or call an Uber.
- Having fun doesn’t mean there must be alcohol involved.
- Avoid lofting your bed at all costs.
- Pay attention to where you park… Campus police doesn’t play.
- Honor the silent floor of the library
- Always walk your schedule before classes start.
- Scheduling your classes back to back isn’t usually a good idea.
- Get to know your college town.
- Good time management skills will serve you well.
- Sleep is important but don’t sleep through your whole weekend… that’s when all the fun happens.
- Learn to drink your coffee black, it will make your life easier.
- Don’t become caffeine dependent.
- Make friends with guys/girls because you will need dates to lots of events.
- Learn how to say “NO."
- Always set an alarm when you take a nap!
- When you do go home, home won’t feel quite like home anymore.
- Saying goodbye to college friends really sucks.
- Make friends with upper classmen, they probably have some good advice to offer.
- Try not to spend all of your money on food.
- You will probably spend all your money on food.
- Living in a dorm will make you question how some people were raised.
- ^^^but still be respectful of how people were raised.
- There are squirrels everywhere.
- Always carry an umbrella.
- Be mindful of where you park, campus police love to hand out parking tickets.
- Have fun!!!