Sometimes life can be overwhelming, filled with stressful moments and difficult situations. People tend to be more prone to feeling stressed when practicing gratefulness is not a day-to-day priority. Life isn't just about acknowledging the big moments, it's about accepting and appreciating the small things, especially those that can lead up to a big moment. It's the little things that occur in every day life that make life worth living and loving. Practicing becoming more grateful of these little moments can feel like trying on a new a clearer lens of the world, and with time, stress won't be as stressful or as often and everything will begin to feel lighter.
Below are 100 little things that are well worth being grateful for, but the list doesn't stop there. There's so many things in so many peoples' lives to be grateful for that the list is practically endless. The trick is to find what you're grateful for and to embrace it and let it bring little rays of light into your life.
1. The smell of coffee.
2. Sunshine warming the face.
3. Hearing a favorite song unexpectedly.
4. Engaging in a conversation with someone with the same interests/passions.
5. Snuggling under a bunch of blankets.
6. Having a hot beverage on a cold day.
7. Receiving an unexpected call/message from someone you care about.
8. Stepping into a hot shower after a long day (or night).
9. Pet cuddles.
10. Remembering to bring sunglasses on a sunny day.
11. A warm embrace from someone who cares about you.
12. The smell of fresh bread (or food in general).
13. Waking up to a beautiful morning.
14. Getting an unexpected compliment.
15. Feeling accomplished after exercising or being active.
16. Feeling better again after being sick.
17. Going on a much-needed vacation.
18. Not having to wait in line for something.
19. Treating yourself to a night out.
20. Making someone else smile.
21. The satisfying feeling of finishing a good book.
22. Watching your favorite movie.
23. Blasting good music.
24. Resting your head on someone.
25. Eating your favorite dessert.
26. Making and enjoying a home-cooked meal.
27. Being able to rap a fast part of a rap song without messing up.
28. Watching the clouds or stars.
29. Surrounding a fire-pit on a chilly night, especially in good company.
30. Reflecting on fond memories.
31. Meeting a new friend.
32. Going on a much-needed vacation.
33. The smell of the ocean.
34. The smell of the woods.
35. Drinking cold, crisp water on a hot day (or when you've been dying of thirst).
36. Wearing comfortable clothes.
37. Receiving a compliment about non-physical attributes.
38. Watching a beautiful sunset.
39. Waking up for a sunrise.
40. The feeling of fresh sheets.
41. Falling asleep with someone you care about.
42. When someone holds you in their arms.
43. When someone listens to you in times of distress.
44. When you help someone in their own times of distress.
45. Going to a fun/amazing concert.
46. Watching/Playing a sports game and your team wins.
47. Winning a bet.
48. Making art or having moments of creativity.
49. Lighting a new candle.
50. Take a relaxing bath.
51. Visiting your favorite place(s), especially in the company of people you enjoy.
52. Going shopping for new things.
53. When someone offers to pay for something for you.
54. The first bite of food after feeling like you were starving.
55. Being told that you matter.
56. Finally understanding something when you didn't before.
57. Learning something new and interesting.
58. When your phone is fully charged.
59. Slipping into a super comfortable pair of shoes.
60. Making people laugh.
61. Causing harmless trouble with friends and getting away with it.
62. Receiving an unexpected gift.
63. Finding extra money you had lying around that you didn't know about.
64. Realizing you have more money in your bank account than you thought you did.
65. Putting on glasses and being able to actually see the world.
66. Getting fresh flowers.
67. Eating a comfort food.
68. Going on a long and reflective walk.
69. Taking a deep, deep breath and slowly letting it out.
70. Kisses: soft, passionate, slow, lingering, cheek, etc.
71. Dancing alone to loud music.
72. Wearing an outfit that makes you feel confident.
73. Looking into the mirror and being pleased with your reflection.
74. Treating yourself to a night of peace and quiet.
75. Getting off work after a long or difficult day.
76. Being able to sleep in or take a nap.
77. Finishing something you have been working very hard on.
78. Seeing someone that you haven't seen in a long time.
79. Getting an unexpected note from someone (ex. thank you notes).
80. Being able to splurge on something for yourself.
81. A long, hard, belly-aching laugh.
82. Wiping away tears and calming down.
83. Finding and wearing the perfect pair of jeans.
84. Getting somewhere in just the nick of time.
85. Watching fireworks.
86. Getting a good fortune cookie.
87. Receiving an unexpected gift from someone.
88. Taking a photograph of anything (especially yourself) that you really like.
89. When you get something cleaned and organized.
90. Getting a free sample of something.
91. Doing something spontaneous.
92. Eating breakfast for dinner.
93. Turning off the light to go to sleep.
94. Going to any type of museum.
95. Giving someone a gift that they enjoy.
96. Having a meaningful conversation with someone.
97. Taking off sweaty clothes.
98. Cruising in your car or taking long drives.
99. Doing something on your bucket list.
100. Realizing how grand life is and being thankful for the life you live.