1. Say thank you to everyone for everything. Often times we get so wrapped up in our busy lives that we forget to say thank you.
2. Set a GPA you hope to achieve and do it. The best feeling is when you tell yourself you can do something and you do. Find a support system and get those A’s.
3. Show your loved one how much you care. We often overlook the mere presence of others. Write your friends notes, call your parents even grandparents. You will not regret it.
4. Start to listen more. No one likes talking to someone who goes on and on and will not stop talking. Start to understand people and where they come from, it will deepen your relationships and understandings of each other.
5. Declutter your mind. Forgetting about mental health is a no go. Make sure you take the time for yourself and rewind and to de-stress every once in a while.
6. Focus on feeling healthier. If you make one healthier choice a day, you will feel accomplished. It doesn’t have to be food or physical, it can be anything while healthy food and working out are good options also.
7. Say yes to everything. You never know unless you try and you only live once. Just do it.
8. Try a new skill. Always wanted to learn to cook a recipe or play a song on the piano? Have someone help you acquire a new hobby.
9. Volunteer at least once. Many people are in need of help in this world. The best personal reward is done through the helping of others. Go to an animal shelter, soup kitchen or even donate.
10. Mend broken relationships. The last thing anyone wants is to have especially going into a new year,