Perhaps by now, you’ve already given up on your New Year’s Resolution, and we’re only halfway through the first of twelve months. If this sounds like you, don’t worry, you’re just like the rest of us! Only 8% of people actually stick to their New Year’s Resolution. Why? Probably because their resolutions sound something like “Eat healthier,” or “Lose weight.” These resolutions are vague, and easy to quit halfway through the first month.
Here are ten NEW New Year’s Resolutions that every college student is capable of achieving:
1. Take 4 classes a week at your gym
2. Be kind to strangers
This one should be the easiest of them all, but sometimes our world still lacks this kindness. This year, let’s all go out of our way to smile at strangers and treat them with love and kindness. It seriously goes a long way.
3. Pick a place you want to go, and go there
A common resolution is often, “travel more!” but we all know that it’s not always easy to travel all the time. It costs money, and requires great planning and detail.
So instead of just saying “travel more,” pick one place that has been on your bucket list, and plan a trip to go there. It might just be your favorite memory of the year.
4. Do the readings for your classes
5. Journal
This is an easy resolution, just grab a journal and try to write something in it every day. Something good that happened that day, something you’ve accomplished, or something fun you did. At the end of the year, it will be very sweet to look back on all of the notes you wrote throughout the year, and it will help you remember things you may have otherwise forgotten.
6. Get more sleep
7. Go to office hours for all of your classes
This one is for the college students. If we’re being honest, there were probably some courses last semester that you never once stepped foot into the professor’s office hours. I know I was guilty of that too. But the ones I did go to, I formed great relationships with my teacher’s and they were very helpful with answering any questions I had about assignments or grading.
I propose you go to office hours at least TWICE this semester for EACH of your classes. I bet your grades will thank you later in the semester if you stick with this resolution.
8. Spend less time on social media
This one might seem a little vague, but there are still ways to structure it. When you’re heading to the library to get some homework done, try leaving your phone in your dorm room to avoid distractions. When you go out to eat with friends or family, leave your phone in the car so that your table can engage in conversations.
While I love social media, let’s spend less time staring at a screen and more time staring at people, nature, books, animals, etc. The view is better.
9. Live organized and stay on top of things
Already this year, I have found post-it notes to benefit me so much. Each morning, I wake up and figure out what I have to get done that day, write it on a post-it note, and stick it to my laptop. I use my laptop all throughout the day, and it’s a constant reminder of what I still need to get done.
I also stick them all around the walls in my room and only allow myself to take them down once I completed the task on them. It’s a simple way to help me stay on top of all of the things I need to do, and it allows my life to be a little more organized and a little less stressful.
10. Love hard.
This is last on the list because it is the most important. All of the important people in your life last year are deserving of your love. You never know what will happen this year, so love others every day like it is the last day you’ll see them. Tell them you love them, but more importantly, show them.