10 Years Of Farmville – What Are You Playing Today? | The Odyssey Online
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10 Years Of Farmville – What Are You Playing Today?

Back in June 2009, Facebook added a new game from Zynga to its growing list of apps. In those days, a new app was something that would attract our attention and get us talking with friends via the platform's online chat facility – something else that was still quite a novelty at the time.

10 Years Of Farmville – What Are You Playing Today?

Back in June 2009, Facebook added a new game from Zynga to its growing list of apps. In those days, a new app was something that would attract our attention and get us talking with friends via the platform's online chat facility – something else that was still quite a novelty at the time.

And so it was that a whole new type of gaming and the biggest online craze of its era began. By the time we fully understood just how big Farmville had become, it had already taken over our lives. People were trading virtual carrots as if it was the most natural thing in the world and they had been doing it all their lives. New friendships were forged, and more than a few relationships started, and ended, as a direct result of people becoming Farmville friends.

A decade on, Farmville has been download an incredible 700 million times. Think about that a moment, it means one in ten people on the planet have downloaded Farmville. Still, 10 years is a long time, especially in the world of technology. Farmville introduced millions of non-gamers to the new world of social gaming. But what are they playing today?

Gaming grows up

10 years is also a long time in a human's life, and it could be that growing virtual crops does not have the same appeal today as they did then. Still, there is one type of gaming that's aimed squarely at mature adults and is more popular now than ever. It is, of course, the online casino sector. Sites like MobileBet are bringing live games such as blackjack or roulette that feature real dealers directly to players' handsets, so the experience has never been more immersive.

Another factor that makes this type of gaming so popular is the social gaming aspects that allow you to effectively have a night at the casino with friends, yet not leave the comfort of your own home.

Zynga goes mobile

Other gamers can be more set in their ways and choose to stick to what they like. Despite gaining such an immense following, Farmville's creator, Zynga, struggled to maintain momentum in the years that followed, especially after severing its ties with the Facebook platform.

Still, the developer has worked hard to prove there is life after Farmville, and has recently been releasing a steady stream of new games to keep those Farmville players entertained. These range from variations of classics like Slingo or Words with Friends to matching games that include the hugely popular Crazy Cake Swap. The new titles have helped Zynga get back into the black and the company has been reporting healthy sales this year.

Farmville endures

Of course, there are plenty of people who are still playing Farmville to this day. They have recently been treated to a special 10-year anniversary mobile version of the game.

Developed in its Helsinki Studio, Zynga says the all-new game introduces fans to some fresh characters and also contain some exciting new features and twists. This is the fifth sequel to the original Farmville, and the first new game for the series since 2016's Farmville: Harvest Swap.

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