10 Worst Things That Happen On The First Day Of School | The Odyssey Online
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10 Worst Things That Happen On The First Day Of School

Welcome Back (To Hell)

10 Worst Things That Happen On The First Day Of School

Toward the end of August, the heat sets in, the internships finish, and before you know it, you're back at school. At first everyone on campus is giddy about seeing each other again and sharing their summer stories, but then it sinks in that summer is over and it's back to the daily grind. You pack your backpack with fresh notebooks and trillion dollar textbooks and head off to class. For the most part, syllabus day is a godsend filled with half hour classes and cheesy icebreakers, but remember why you were so happy to leave in May...

1. You're late.

Since it's the first day of class, the professor will most likely cut you some slack, but the rest of the class will stare at you for the eternity it takes to find a seat, get your books out, and stop sweating.

2. You go to the wrong class.

I have to say this is the absolute worst thing that could happen. You have to decide whether of not you are going to sit through the French class you thought was Econ, or if you're going to leave. If you decide to leave, get ready for the stares, trying to find the right class, then interrupting that class and having even more eyes glued to you. *cringes*

3. You find out your friend dropped the class you had together.

You'd been talking about it all summer. That awful class with that awful professor was going to be a breeze because you were taking it together. You'd always have a partner, someone to smirk at, and someone to sit next to, but no. Twenty minutes before class, you get the "oh, I dropped that class" text and break into a panic. Best friends for never.

4. You forgot to do the homework.

Some professors, a.k.a demons, are evil enough to assign homework for the first day of class and if you're dumb enough to leave it until the last minute, then forget, then show up in class empty-handed, then your first day is going to be a nightmare. You'll have to explain your irresponsibility to the professor while your overachieving classmates laugh at your misfortune.

5. Your professors suck.

We've all walked into a class we were super excited for, to find that we're being taught by a fun-sucking troll, a musty grandpa, or a newbie fresh out of grad school. The only real solutions are to teach yourself the material so you're not at the mercy of their teaching skills, or switch into another section of the class and end your suffering altogether.

6. You don't know the material.

You walk into class and take your slacker seat in the back, but before you can get too comfy, the teacher starts tossing around words you've never heard and solving equations that look like latin sentences. It's bad enough that your teacher decided to teach an actual lesson on the first day of school, don't make it worse by neglecting to brush up on the subject before school starts back up.

7. Your professor's hot AF.

This sounds like a blessing, I know, but it's actually a curse. Say goodbye to your focus and hello to borrowing notes from your peers because you stared at your professors eyes the whole time. Get a grip, girl. Or drop the class.

8. You're hungover.

So you decided to be an idiot and go to the bar the night before classes start. Congrats, you deserve your throbbing headache and aggressive seasickness. DON'T be that girl wearing shades in the hallway, nursing a water bottle, and leaving for the bathroom twice, just don't.

9. You fall asleep in class.

Jesus...You just had an entire summer to sleep in, get it together. You don't want to be on your professor's no-fly list on day one. Make sure to take your daily espresso shot or cold shower so you're ready for an action-packed day of learning.

10. You don't get let out early.

Syllabus day is known for being the most lax day of the year, but if you're as unlucky as I was this year, you'll be saddled with professors who "care" about your "education." To help time pass more quickly, draw pictures of penguins in your notebook margins or count the ceiling tiles. Just kidding, pay attention.

Just remember that summer is only 170 days away!

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