1. Pedestrians
Think about it. When you live in a busy college town everyone is always in a rush to get somewhere as quickly as possible. The pedestrians (including myself) are absolutely the worst because we will walk as soon as all of the cars are out of sight. We do not care if you are trying to make a left turn when you have been waiting 2 full lights, we will still walk.
2. The paint that won't leave the brush
The moment after you finish painting a beautiful craft is such a satisfying moment filled with pride and excitement. However, as soon as you walk over to the sink to attempt to remove the paint from the brush, say goodbye to your happiness. Though a lot of the color does leave the bristles, there is always that paint that decides to burrow deep into the brush.
3. Books that can't keep themselves open
Books with new bindings are the best and worst things to ever exist. New books have such a wonderful smell (in my opinion) that can excite just about anyone. However, when it comes to laying new books out on a table for the first time, they refuse to stay open themselves. They just keep flopping closed while you are desperately trying to hold the two sides of the book open.
4. When dishes come out of the dishwasher still dirty
I think that sometimes people have a hard time understanding the concept of rinsing off dishes before they put them in the dishwasher. I know that in our apartment, every time we unload the dishwasher there will always be several dishes with large chucks of some type of food on it.
5. Glitter
This should be a given. Glitter is wonderful and beautiful and pretty when it stays on the craft. Glitter spreads like wildfire, there is no keeping things clean when you are working on a project that contains glitter. It will end up in your carpets, vacuum cleaner, and probably on someones car if you live in an apartment complex with a balcony like I do.
6. Traffic
This tends to go along with pedestrians, however when your car is surrounded by dozens of other cars that is when the rage really sets in. For some reason everyone decides to throw average driving courtesy out the window when they are stuck in traffic.
7. Men in flip flops
Sorry guys. I know that women are allowed to wear flip flops and it is completely acceptable however when your manly toes are shoved into these shoes, it freaks many women out. If this shoe happens to fit in with your style then that is fine but for the most part the answer should just be no.
8. School emails
Send me another email please. I understand that some emails (like testing the security system) are rather helpful but for the most part emails from my university end up clogging up my inbox.
9. Stubbing your toe
No greater pain comes from jamming your toes into the side of some type of furniture. Tears will form. Curse words will fly. And the pain will be real. Usually it takes a few days to heal which is just added pain that will continue to mock you for your lack of spacial awareness.
10. When your phone dies
You are on 20% and the little picture of the battery turns red and you can see the end in sight. The second my phone gives me the warning, I start to panic because usually I am no where near a phone charger. If I am near a charger my phone will stay on 1% for 2 hours, but the second I am far away, my phone will die sometime around 15%.