Every college has it’s own lingo and eventually we all learn our school’s individual terms - whether it be the shortened version of each building or the nicknames of each dining hall. College language is integral to every campus. You learn them without even realizing it and only those who go there understand what they all mean. The College of Charleston has more than just a collegiate dictionary as it is located in the urban environment of downtown Charleston. The city and the school are one which makes our vocabulary especially special; even the sidewalks flow seamlessly from scholarly red brick to concrete jungle. Here are some of the College’s most endearing terms.
1. "'Weather Update' emails
These updates for other places might just meant that there’s a severe thunderstorm on the horizon but for Charleston students it means to get in your PJs, put on a movie and grab your friends because no one is going anywhere until the tropical storm/flood/hurricane has passed.
2. "It's raining"
More like it’s flooding. Living in Chuck has it’s perks. One thing that isn’t a perk? Living at sea-level. When it rains, even for a few minutes, some streets downtown and around campus go under water. Rain boots aren’t just an accessory for your feet - they’re necessary for life here.
3. Cougars
Nope, this isn’t just a term for older women seeking younger men. Instead, it’s our school mascot. Catch Clyde strolling around at every school function - he’s the man.
4. "You go, Glenn Coco"
Everyone knows this famous line as said by Damian in “Mean Girls” but for C of C students it takes on a whole other meaning. The man of the hour, the guy who rules our school, our President - Glenn McConnell - is endearingly referred to as Glenn McCoco around campus and everyone waits on edge for McCokes' monthly blog.
5. Oak(s)
This isn’t just a tree type. At the College, every student knows this to be the website that’s constantly under service. Nothing’s as annoying as trying to check your assignments for the day to log on and find that the website is under maintenance.
6. The Battery
No, not an actual battery. The Battery is one of a few grass locations around our otherwise concrete home. Taking a walk down to the water is a great way to unwind and recharge (get it?) from the stress of school.
7. Football season
Probably our favorite running joke on campus. At one point C of C had a football team, but because we kept losing they discontinued our team. Now we celebrate “Friday night futbol” in support of our soccer team. However, if you’re a diehard football fan, don’t fear. You can always buy the cleverly merchandised “Still Undefeated” football t-shirt.
8. Murray
9. The Cistern
A cistern is most commonly used to collect and store water runoff. However, at the College, it’s the term that describes the old campus as well as is a place for students to hang out in between classes. Though the Cistern has been covered long ago, it now is a grassy bed for students to lie on and to homework around. Don’t cross it though, or you’ll tack on an extra year of college, so they say.
10. The College
Though it’s official title is the College of Charleston, almost no one refers to it as such around town. Oftentimes our campus is simply referred to as “the College.” Even those who are members of Charleston’s community know by its shortened name. Only squares call the school by it’s official name, come on.