Now that 2016 is finally here, it is time to debrief the year we have left behind. In no particular order (because everything was just too weird), here are the 10 weird things that happened in 2015:
10. All of our moms went to go see "50 Shades of Grey" in February... and everyone was totally fine with it.
9. People started to make Vines in which one person plays multiple people... and instead of wigs, they just use common household objects, like towels or even vacuum cleaners.
8. Every college athlete acquired a "hoverboard"... and apparently these things explode if you aren't careful.
7. Speaking of athletes, Georgia Tech had a terrible season, but a miracle win against Florida State. Michigan State had an incredible win too.
6. That DRESS.
5. Ariana Grande licked a donut and it was national news.
4. People worldwide took time out of their busy lives to participate in "The Kylie Jenner Lip Challenge" or "The Condom Challenge." Both sparked safety concerns.
3. Donald Trump is running for president. (And Kanye West and Deez Nuts are too!)
2. Minions took over the free market for a while. Also, a giant minion fell into the road in Dublin.
1. All the Drake memes.
So, in 2016, can we all just pretend to be normal?