There's a few things that only those from South Jersey know about. It's those special regional characteristics that make South Jersey one of the best places to live. So here's just a few things everyone born and raised in South Jersey can relate to.
1. Country music.
Staple music of South Jersey.
2. Wawa.
You feel bad for people who have never heard of Wawa.
3. Backroads.
People from the city will never understand or appreciate the therapeutic effect of no traffic on a back road.
4. Small towns.
South Jersey is completely made up of a bunch of small towns that anyone from out of state has probably never heard of.
5. Ocean City, NJ.
Almost everyone in South Jersey vacations in Ocean City. Hands down the best shore town.
6. Everyone assumes you know the 'Jersey Shore' cast.
You feel insulted when people ask if you know anyone from the Jersey Shore cast. Because a bunch of people from New York should not be what the Jersey Shore is known for.
7. Thank A Farmer.
South Jersey is known for its huge farming population. So every night as you sit down to eat dinner, you should thank a local farmer.
8. How Do You Pump Your Own Gas?
Let's face it, we wouldn't know how to live if we did't have people pumping our gas for us.
9. South and North Jersey should be two different states.
An industrial North Jersey and a farming South Jersey create two different types of people, with different attitudes and accents.
10. Crazy sports fans.
Whether it's high school or college pride, or professional level teams form Philly. No one can argue with a devoted South Jersey fan.